It's hard to believe that someone this attractive would even speak to me, let alone be with me.

But we really aren't 'together', are we?

My stomach flipped, and this time it wasn't because I was sick. I don't like the thought of Harry not thinking of me the way I definitely think of him, and that has been on my mind a lot lately.


The next few days went by unspeakably slow, I was still under the weather. Even though I had been feeling much better as each day went by, it was still hard for me to just get out of bed.

"That's it." Harry spoke as he barged into our shared room, walking right up to me. "I went out to buy a thermometer." He places the cool metal object in my mouth, hitting a button and turning it on with a beep.

"You've been sick for days, Jules. We need to figure out what's wrong."

I push his hand away, sitting up with a determined look on my face. "I'm not sick, Harry. I'm fine, I just need to eat something and I'll be up and ready."

He raises one eyebrow at me, looking down at the thermometer in his hand.

"One-hundred and two point three." He shakes his head, taking his phone out of his pocket.

"I'm calling Louis."

He walks into the other room, the only thing audible for me to hear is muffled sounds. Within a few minutes he's back in, moving quickly around the room.

"Here's the deal, you need medication. You're obviously sick and you can't just wait here and hope it gets better. I'm sending you to the doctors, but you have to fucking promise me to stay on the down low. Wear your hood, sunglasses, and don't let anyone recognize you. I don't need something more on my plate." He sighs, picking me out an outfit.

"You're not coming with me?" I ask, my voice dry and hoarse.

He chuckles lowly, putting on my shoes for me and lifting me out of bed.

"No, love. I'm not coming with you." He leads me to the door, practically carrying me the entire way.

"Why not?" I push, grabbing the keys out of Harry's extended hand.

"I just don't want to make a scene."

I nod, understanding that if someone saw him they'd obviously recognize who he was.

I get in the car, Harry kissing my cheek softly through the open window, his curls tickling my face.

"Be quick, and please be careful. I'll be here when you get back." He half smiles, backing away as I start the car.

As I drive away I see him through the rear view mirror, getting smaller the farther I drive away from what is now my entire world.


I drive up to the nearest hospital, which wasn't too long of a drive.

It was quite busy, considering the fact that we were practically in the middle of no where.

There were cars all around me, and people walking in and out of the building.

I've always hated hospitals. It's such a sad and depressing place, and they also creep me out in general. So many horror stories take place in them so naturally I hate being inside of one.

I've done my fair share in hospitals, let's just say I'm a pretty clumsy person.

Lucky for me it was in the middle of the day, so I didn't have to worry about my imagination going crazy.

Unstable [Harry Styles AU]Where stories live. Discover now