ChamAlien: Alola everyone!

All: Alola!

ChamAlien: everyone, I have something important to show you.

Ash: what is it?

ChamAlien: (here I go.) Ok guys, I want you to meet-

I didn't finish my sentence when we all saw Meltan flouting in the air, almost looking like he's being lift.

Smoothie: sweet! A snack!

Meltan: somebody help me!

Glacier: dang it Smoothie! You have to wait till dad tells us to come in!

Smoothie: it's not my fault this Pokemon thing looks delicious.

Meltan: delicious?!

Lillie: *scared* w-what going on?!

Mallow: and who said that?

Frosty: umm... no one. It's just your imagination.

Popfly: *sniff* pretty sure their not gonna fall for that.

Pikachu: who are you?! Show yourself!

Jackie: your not the boss of us!

Sophocles: us?

ChamAlien: (goddamit kids.) All right, no body freak out.

Sylvia: pretty sure it's too late for that.

ChamAlien: *sigh* I know. All right kids, show yourself to them.

All: kids?

The Ice Pack are now visible and their all here in the classroom. Everyone reaction is what I expected, shocked, suprice and confuse.

ChamAlien: everyone, meet The Ice Pack. AKA, me and Pop's kids.

Chillifry: hello!

Candy: hi.

Marowak: wait... are they...

ChamAlien: yep. The same Necrofriggian that I gave birth.

Torracat: how?!

Pop: well let's just say they have a growth spurt. Now they are five years old.

Braixen: but they sometimes act like teenagers.

Kukui: Frank... these are your kids?

ChamAlien: yep, and as Pop said they had a growth spurt and are now five years, but act like teenagers sometimes.

Kiawe: I have so many questions.

Mallow: how is that even possible?!

ChamAlien: everyone, I know it's confusing and all. But all of you just take a deep breath and be calm and get your mind straight.

So everyone try to be calm and get their heads straight. After a couple of minutes they are now calm.

ChamAlien: ok, now that you're all calm down let me introduce The Ice Pack.

Marowak: The Ice Pack? That sounds stupid.

The Ice Pack: hey!

Shaymin: Marowak, don't be mean.

ChamAlien: as I was saying. Everyone, meet Glacier, Kenko, Maxwell, Smoothie, Popfly, Slurpee, Cotton, Candy, Ishiyama, Jackie, Chillifry, Frozty, Snow Ball, and Cube.

I pointed each and every Necrofriggian one by one.

ChamAlien: ok, kids meet-

Many names later.

ChamAlien: and finally, Snowy. Oh God, I need a breather.

I said as I finally introduce The Ice Pack to my friends. While I was catching my breath the kids got a close to my human friends.

Slurpee: *looking at Lana* why are your eyes blue?

Ishiyama: *looking at Kiawe* why aren't you wearing a shirt?

Chillifry: *looking at Mallow* why is your hair shape like what those humans call a tree.

Jackie: *looking at Sophocles* why is your body so round?

Snow Ball: *looking at Ash* why do you looks like you have a mind of a 10 year old?

Frosty: *looking at Kukui* why aren't buttoning that shirt?

Lillie: umm, it's not nice to call names of our appearance.

Glacier: what is up with your voice?

While they are saying some things about my friends. The rest are saying some stuff about their Pokemon. Like saying to Marowak why is his skin of his head are gone, but it's actually a skull he's wearing. To Tsareena why is her leg fat, why does Snowy have multiple tail, why does Turtonator have a long nose, and the rest is up to you.

Pop: kids enough!

Everyone became silent by Pop's outburst, think she's going all mom now.

Pop: I want you to say your sorry to everyone.

The Ice Pack: were sorry.

Mollow: it's ok, guess your not use to seeing different humans.

Turtonator: or Pokemon for that matter.

Kukui: now then, now that we all know each other we should get back to class.

Cube: lame.

Pop: Cube!

Cube: sorry.

Togedemaru: aww, but I'm started to like these guys.

Sandy: me too.

Seems like they my classmates wants to get to know The Ice Pack better. Hmm, that gives me an idea.

ChamAlien: hey, why not we all hang hang out during the weekends to know each other better?

Ash: that sounds like a good idea.

Lana: I'm in.

All: yeah!

ChamAlien: what do you think kids?

Popfly: *sniff* sounds good.

Smoothie: yeah, I want to know this little guy more.

He looked at Meltan and drooling a bit. Meltan saw this and hide behind Rowlet, who is sleeping as always.

ChamAlien: then it's settled. Let's get to know each other better on the weekends.

Pheromosa and Pop led The Ice Pack back home and stay to take care of them while I'm in school. Can't wait for all of us to have some fun. What can go wrong?

To Be Continued...

An Alien In AlolaWhere stories live. Discover now