Chapter 1

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"Belle, I have you set up with a VIP guest and their family this week." My boss Kyle said as I stood in the meeting room that morning before we opened the park. I worked at Disney and I had been there for 10 years and I was one of the most respected workers who always worked with the VIP guests.

"Can I ask who it is Kyle?" I asked.

"We will talk after the meeting." Kyle said and everyone started whispering about who it could be since Kyle wouldn't talk about it. Once the daily meeting was over Kyle pulled me off to the side.

"Okay so your guest is pretty big group. It's Chris Evans and his entire family. His mom, 2 sisters, brother and his significant other, his brother-in-law, niece, nephews and a family friend. Think you can handle it alone?" Kyle asked and I huffed a laugh.

"Kyle, I will be fine." I said trying not to freak out. I loved Chris Evans and had a major crush on him since he started acting. Loved more when he started working for Marvel since they were in association with Disney. I had seen him around the park before but never was his guide.

"Have they all been here before?" I asked and Kyle nodded.

"They have but this will be the first time with a guide. Only wanted one because it's the whole family this time." Kyle said and then Kyle's assistant brought in a few bags.

"What are these?" I asked and Kyle nodded.

"When we heard Chris was bringing his young niece and nephews we asked him what their favorite movies were and got them Mickey and Minnie ears to go along with their favorite movies." Kyle said and I saw names on the bags and smiled.

"Perfect, where am I meeting them?" I asked.

"They are at the character breakfast right now. You are welcome to join them and hand out the gifts." Kyle said and I nodded.

"Sounds great." I said went to leave the office.

"Have fun and don't worry about the meetings the rest of the week just meet the family every morning at breakfast." Kyle said and I nodded leaving the office.

"Kyle, we just set up for Christmas, are they here for the holiday specials or just to have fun?" I asked as I started to leave.

"Just here on their annual family holiday trip." Kyle said and I nodded.

"Also, if you want to change into a comfortable outfit like a t-shirt instead of the button up attire you can. Be comfortable." Kyle said and I nodded. I knew we were allowed to do this when we were just guides, to look like normal people. I went into the locker room for employees changed into a yellow Disney t-shirt that said worker across the top on the back and a pair of dark blue jeans but I still wore my name tag. I left the locker room and headed to the hotel where breakfast was being held.

"Hey Belle, you here for any special reason?" The hostess Angie asked and I smiled at her.

"Meeting some VIP people. You know where they are sitting?" I asked and Angie and she smiled.

"Over there." Angie said and motioned to a huge table and I smiled.

"Thanks." I said and headed over to the table.

"Good morning everyone." I said smiling and everyone looked up at me and smiled.

"I am Isabella, you can call me Belle. I will be your guide this week." I said smiling at them.

"Belle, like the princess from Beauty and the Beast?!" The little girl asked excited and nodded with a bigger smile. I walked over to where she was sitting and crouched down to her level.

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