Ming scoffed upon taking in the deeper meaning of her sister's words. "Home... we have no home, remember?" Ming said as she averted her gaze from her coffee mug and directed her attention towards her sister.

Mai remained quiet to what her sister just said. One part of her wants to punch Ming in the face with the hope of knocking some sense into Ming's thick headed skull. But another part- a much smaller part- wants to hold her younger sister in her arms and tell her that everything is going to be okay. That things will get better and things will be different, but Mai being the smarter sibling, knew that telling her sister that would just simply be an utter lie.

Ming sighed once again and averted her gaze from her sister so that she can observe the surroundings within the cafe.

The scenery was in a subtle state, calm and soothing, but Ming knew better than to be fooled by a far too quiet surrounding. The cafe was not crowded; perhaps here and there Ming caught the attention of men-probably around there twenties- making eye contact with her. Sadly for them, Ming showed no interest.

"Yah Ming!" Mai tried getting Ming's attention by snapping her fingers in front of Ming's face.

"Hm? Mwoya?"

"You know... I've been asking you like three times already if you wanted to order something."

"Er... yeah. Sure. Anything." Ming replied quickly and sighed as she placed her mug down on the table.

Ming then leaned over with her arms folded on the table and blew her hair that fell over her face.

"You shouldn't over-think things Ming, the more you wonder then the more you shall doubt, and the more you doubt will create false images in your mind." Mai said to her sister and finished her latte.

Mai didn't like it when Ming's mood changed into this state. It would mean that Ming would start asking her older sister some questions, which Mai didn't have all the answers to.


"Don't." Mai replied a little too quickly. "I already told you Ming, I don't know all the answers. And also, stop assuming for better things, you might think that others are having a more easier or better life than us but its not true, we all have our difficulties and our differences, what matters most is that you have people who care about you to better those times when you think that your world is falling apart. Life has never been fair, remember that Ming. Neither you nor I ever asked for this life. We just need to make the best of it."

Ming looked away and nodded slowly. What her sister said was true, she can't do anything much about the way her life has turned out. She had to remind herself countless of times that she is also not alone and that her older siblings have been assassins way longer than she has.

"I... understand." Ming replied softly.

As if on cue, a waiter came and placed a single menu folder onto the table. Just as quick as he appeared, he left their table twice as fast.

Ming watched as to how the waiter disappeared through a door which she suspected leads to the kitchen.

"That was weird... how come the waiter didn't wait for our order?" Ming asked as she turned her head to look back at her sister that was reading the menu and slowly forming a smirk on her face.

"The waiter left because there was nothing to order." Mai said while closing the black folder and then she subtly slid the menu carefully over to Ming. "We have just been served our next mission."



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