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You held Usopp's slingshot like a treasure, stretching the rubber, pretending to fire a projectile, even though there was nothing in the slot. As you were bored, you dedicated yourself to browsing the deck, as the man was busy making some kind of spicy weapon he lent you his slingshot for a while, but clearly you got bored at the moment.

You went on to try to imitate Nami with her weapon, which she had also loaned you, but instead of the three tubes that joined together, she only gave you two so that you could maneuver easily. Of course you ended up bored so your last option was to try Zoro's swords, since Luffy fought with his fists and Sanji with his feet. Needless to mention, the moss head was asleep, but it didn't take long for his eyes to open when you tried to steal one of the swords at his waist.

Under his gaze, having been caught red-handed your cheeks took a couple of pink tones, embarrassed you stuck your tongue out running before he could scold you, Zoro hid a small smile, liying down again, snoring seconds later.

You sighed with a pout, crossing your arms, thinking about how long it would take you to get to Loguetown, your mood rose thinking about annoying the cook a bit, but before you could get up something landed on the deck, right next to you, nobody more seemed to notice. It was a white bird with some gray tones on some feathers, with a black beak as well as the upper part of its head.

You gasped when you saw it, with little stars in your eyes but when you got closer slowly you noticed how its wing moved erratically, you noticed how some blood stained its white feathers. Without thinking about it, you opened your bag to take out the white cloth, you looked at it in silence for a few seconds, deciding to tear it into a smaller portion, it was still half torn and you could get others when you got to the city.

You approached carefully, taking it in your hands, although it stirred in your grip, it had no other option, because with that wound it would not easily take flight. You were in charge of wrapping the fabric as well as possible, smiling when you saw how the animal calmed down when noticing that it was not being damaged, when you finished you caressed its little head with your finger carefully. Its head tilted, deepening the touch, letting out a small croak of satisfaction, seeking more pampering.

"We have finally arrived!"

Luffy who was surely the same or more bored than you, pointed to the island in the distance from Merry's head, jumping with energy all over the side as if he was a child. They all sweated when they saw how his supposed captain was like that while they watched you gently caress a bird, comparing both of you in this way, you seemed more mature than him.

Each one took a different path once you disembarked, as you wanted to browse random things in the markets, you separated yourself from the rest, you promised to return safely since people would not suspect that someone like you was part of any crew, and for sure that you were better than Zoro with directions.

Your steps were calm while you observed from the corner of your eye that your new friend the bird did not fall from your shoulder, the place where he had settled. You hummed when you saw a store where someone sold bracelets, necklaces, precious stones at a reduced price, there were really good trinkets. Your eyes shone seeing some precious rocks, drawing the attention of an old woman, her smile widened walking with the help of her cane towards you.

"I see you have set your eyes on an ancient relic, young lady."

You jumped a little when a hand came to rest on your shoulder, your cheeks flushed with embarrassment, you nodded awkwardly, making the old woman's features relax. Her hand reached out to take the stone you were looking at, it was completely polished in the shape of a drop, it had a bluish-green color, you could see its semi-transparency thanks to the sun's rays falling on it. Your eyes brightened when you saw the glow it emitted, causing the old woman to hum affirmatively, this stone had chosen an owner.

"Are you interested? It is a good choice."

"But I don't know if I will have enough money, I just came to look at some bracelets."

"It's free!"

"Huh? Aren't that kind of expensive stuff?"

The old woman's eyes widened staring at you so intently that it caused a chill to run down your spine, seconds later her kind gaze was returned.

"Yes, they usually are, but this stone is already an antique, it will not sell for long."

"Is it really okay for me to have it?"

"Of course, don't worry about it."

She brushed it off, letting the stone rest in your hands, closing them carefully, you blinked in confusion, bowing in thanks. When you left there you looked at the stone again, fascinated by its brilliance, you would take the offering from it as a precious gift along with the other trinkets in your bag. You did not notice how the dark woman looked at your figure until you disappeared, closing the store completely while laughing, she had undoubtedly made an interesting sale.

You went through the market, without holding back to buy some of your favorite sweets, passing through grocery stores you found Sanji, holding a huge fish next to Usopp. Your lips formed a smile, rushing to his side to walk back to the boat, noticing your presence at his side the blonde made a gesture with his head as a greeting while the other struggled not to be crushed by the fish.

As his hands were busy, you settled for hooking the blonde's black pants ─since Usopp was having trouble carrying the food─ you followed them in a comfortable silence until in a street you met Nami and Zoro, but there was no news of Luffy. Knowing that your captain would be in the central square because he wanted to see the execution platform, but you did not expect to see him right there about to be executed.

You sweated when you noticed the indifference of the rubber man, you could not hear the conversation with Buggy, but you knew it would be something stupid, and speaking of that clown... your hand made a fist while your brow furrowed, this time you were going to pull his nose to the point of ripping it off for messing with your friends.

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