Ch. 11:ᴛᴜʀɴᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ

Start from the beginning

Even though there were multiple enemies out there in the darkness of the night -- most likely armed -- there was a single reason you felt such relief: Jungkook was the widely-known and notoriously feared assassin of the Boys. He had one hell of a reputation, and judging by the way he carried himself right now, you rightfully assumed that he had earned it the hard way.

"About time. Thanks for hauling ass to get here, Kookie," Suga said, clapping his subordinate on a broad, muscled shoulder. Instantly, the young man's entire demeanor shifted: gone was the sweet smile and gentle personality, replaced by a cold mask of nothing. Jungkook slipped his hands into either side of his jacket and came out with two pistols of his own, fluidly shifting to a steady shooter's stance beside Yoongi.

As soon as Jungkook had drawn his sidearm, you heard two more pairs of footsteps come barreling around the back side of the shipping container. You whipped your head around, eyes wide before breaking into a huge grin, even more relief spreading through you. J-Hope and V stood there, eyes cold and breathing steady as they leveled their pistols around the corner of the container.

"Taehuyng, Hobi! H-How...?"

Suga glanced around at his Boys, then leveled a slow, calm little smirk your way. Oh. Of course. Of course he called for backup! That's why he was the Boss...and you were a reporter. You snorted to yourself. At least you weren't going to die here tonight. A surge of assurance and -- pride? -- rose from your chest, bubbling out into a laugh of pure, untarnished joy.

Unbeknownst to you, Yoongi had watched as emotions flickered across your face; first fear at the footsteps, then surprise, then reassurance and finally delight. The sound of your laugh had made him gape at you in shock; it was the first time he had heard it, and Suga wanted nothing more than to hear it again and again in the coming weeks. Jungkook bumped his shoulder against the Boss' own, and the silver-haired man gave his head a short shake, drawing his thoughts back to the current situation.

 Jungkook bumped his shoulder against the Boss' own, and the silver-haired man gave his head a short shake, drawing his thoughts back to the current situation

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V strode forward to stand on the opposite side of the Boss, and his deep voice was pitched low so it didn't carry far. "Sitrep, Boss?" He tongued the inside of his cheek as he drew his own sidearm from the holster at his hip, holding it loosely at his side. 

"Unknown numbers, but likely three. Seems like one Underboss is here, think I recognized his voice. They're definitely Hoodlums. They want me to hand over our girl, here." Suga nodded his head towards you.

JHope walked over to you and offered you his hand, beaming down widely at you. "Hiya, Sunshine. Let's get you up out of that dirt and get you home safe and sound, okay?" You took his hand and let out a breath, all of the anxiety and tension that had been swirling around inside of you for the past fifteen minutes draining away. Bless you, Hobi. His bright presence lifted your spirits, and you smiled back up at him as he helped you to your feet.

 His bright presence lifted your spirits, and you smiled back up at him as he helped you to your feet

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