Chapter 31

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Alice see Vanessa and Jennie and Yeji was having a good time together she was relief suddenly her attention goes to a bush she see one of that Ugly's men pointing at Vanessa.

'HEY VANESSA! Alice shout grabbing Vanessa's attention and dragging her somewhere far away from anybody.
'So Vanessa what happened? Alice said casting a spell so that whenever she is with Vanessa she is protected and Vanessa.

'Nothing that Much, I miss you after you gone away you know? Vanessa said and making Alice said 'aw' 'you still didn't change your are still sweet! Alice complemented Vanessa they are talking about fun stuff about their childhood.

                      {Yoongi's POV}

I was talking to my brothers about stuff in the kingdom my attention was at Vanessa and her friend Alice, honestly I feel different vibe with Vanessa's so Called new 'Friend's
I excuse my self from my brother and go to Vanessa and Alice.

'Hey Vanessa? Alice called. 'Yeah? Vanessa answered while admiring the view. 'I have' Alice was cut off when Yoongi suddenly said.
'M'luv it's getting dark I'll take you home now? He said smiling. 'Y'all lovers are disgusting, Alice said and make a disgust face making Vanessa laugh so as Yoongi.

'Get your self a lover if you want! Jennie shouted bit annoying and come to them, they gathered together and decided to take Vanessa home and They will go on their way.

They already take Vanessa home and bid goodbye and separate their ways home
While Vanessa invited Alice to stay at her castle for a night.

*knock* *knock*

???:come in!
{Vanessa walked in with something on her hand}
Vanessa: alice I have something for you.
Alice:what is it?

Vanessa gave a cloak for Alice and Alice take it to her hands.

'What is it?" Alice asked while sitting signaling Vanessa to sit beside her.
'A special cloak' Vanessa said smiling, yet it make Alice confused. Special? Alice asked and Vanessa said 'this cloak is a special one since we were a child I was gonna gave you that but then you have gone away before I reached you, that cloak heals you and protect you.

'Protect...... Alice thought to her mind and seconds her eyes widened and look at Vanessa.

"Please wherever you go take this with you and never get that off unless you make sure you are safe!" Alice said and Put a bracelet on Vanessa's wrist and it light up.

'Where is your archery set? Alice asked nervous and look everywhere.
'Here' Vanessa said and pick up the whole set and gave it to Alice and she enchant it she do it faster and after she enchant.

She sigh as a relief and said 'Goodnight'
Vanessa was confused but say Goodnight anyway and go out and close the lights and head to her room, she reached her room and lock the doors and lay down to sleep.

                      >>Next Day<<

She wake up and take a warm bath and she wear a nice dress and fix her hair and head downstairs.

She go down to see Alice waiting for her so as her Sisters

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She go down to see Alice waiting for her so as her Sisters. 'Morning Sis' Elaine greeted
'Morning Vanessa' greeted Alice, she greeted back to them and hug her mother and go for breakfast.

After they eat, Vanessa excuse herself and go to the big library, when she entered she saw many of books which make her happy, One of Vanessa's habits is reading books.

Her flower glow in her arm, she looked at it, bit scared but soon turned to smile, and walked to a wall and touch it causing it to open and lead a secret stairway, she go inside and close the wall, she has Yeji's Spell book and go downstairs even it's dark, she use her all strength to ignore anything and continue to walk down.

Downstairs she reach a little big room with books in it and a royal chair, table too and a candle holder, she step closer and closer feeling a cold wind rushing through her body, but she decided to ignore it and sit on the chair, she put Yeji's spell book on the table but.

The table suddenly light and a blue light flash up and a woman talking.

"Caliana my lovely daughter, if you heard this me and your father may be gone, please take care, of the kingdom, and your sister, I'm sorry we fail to protect your sister, please save her and take care my child we love you"

Said the woman in the screen which make her gasp, not be able to move, from what she saw, and heard, 's-sister??" Vanessa said covering her mouth and cried.

"I have a sister?!" Vanessa said crying.
"Yes you do now hurry and find her" a woman said, Vanessa turned her head to the woman to see her mother, she ran and hugged her.

"Why do you leave me?" Vanessa cried at her mom's chest, "My dear we are truly sorry" her mom said rubbing her hair,

"What is my sister's name? Vanessa ask and look at the eyes of her mother, " you'll see it for you self soon, now go and save her before it's too late I can't see you living without a family, her mother said and kissed her forehead and vanished.

|𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍|𝐌𝐢𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢 [𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now