Chapter 25

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hello everyone. hope all are doing good. 

vaanga palagalam episode 2 and 3:
comment down your  current fav song and food. mine is it's raining love and pizza. 

let's dive into the chapter :

song suggestions: manipaya

From the very moment that we touched your arms felt like home

Shalini pov:

I started to lose control, I couldn't get myself together. I can hear the rapid pounding of my heart in my ears. My hands started to shiver; I shakily placed it on my forehead to get rid of the hair which stuck on my skin due to intensive sweating. My vision started to blackout slowly but I tried to focus on adhi, he was more panicked than me. he was yelling my name and to look at him but I just couldn't respond.

He harshly pressed the car breaks, and held the steering wheel tightly, the screeching sound of the tire made my conditions even worse. The flashbacks of my mom's death started to come in my mind, the same incident, where she couldn't control the car and a big truck approached swiftly, The day when I lost her. I held and squeezed adhi's arms while the car took a turn around due the pressure of the brakes. I looked at the glass window and the truck was also starting to lose its control. My breath hitched due to the tightness in my throat, I shut my eyes tightly and kept a hold on adhi arms. I heard a gasp leaving adhi's mouth and the sound of the screeching tires had stopped. I slowly opened my eyes and saw the truck has stopped leaving an inch gap from us.

I swiftly open my door and started to walk out as my panic attack starts to get worse. The whole crowd in the highway stared at me but I just couldn't see them as my vision was becoming blurry. I placed my hand over my heart and started to move to get some air, the atmosphere was suffocating me. My chest pain started to get heavy; I walked, walked and walked through the trees, through the bushes. My right hand was bruised, a tree branch made a deep cut on it. I could hear adhi shouting my name and pleading me to stop, even he got hold on me once, but I couldn't stop moving, I got away from his hold and started to walk forward. That's what panic attacks do, make you lose your mind and fear will slowly start creeping into your body.

The pain in my chest started to shoot up to its peak. The cool air started to hit my face, indicating me that I am moving faster. Quickly an arm circled around my waist and pulled me back harshly, I opened my eyes and saw that I was standing in the tip of a cliff and adhi pulled me back. I slowly sat on a stone bench nearby, my heart rate started to slow down, the chest pain started to reduce. Adhi kneeled down in front of me, clutching both of my hands tightly in his. A few drops of tears escaped his eyes; he panted quietly staring into my eyes. The fear was fully visible all over his face. Oh boy, his energy was fully drained in the mess I made. After ten minutes the pain fully reduced, and my vision was back to normal. My head was still throbbing and I know it will take about a day to get resolved. Adhi never switched his position for the past ten minutes; a complete silence prevailed around the air.

"Bayandhutiya?" I asked

(got scared?)

"uyire poiduchu" he replied, his voice was deep and coated with pain, something you won't hear very often from his mouth. I still remember the first time I heard his voice when he was normal. I literally heard it in my stomach and immediately thought that's not good. Voices should stop at the ears but sometimes- not very often at all, actually- a voice will penetrate past my ears and reverberate straight down through my body. He had one of those voices. Deep, confident and a little like butter.

(my soul left my body)

A quick chuckle left my mouth, and I said sorry to him. he just shook his head and got up on his knees. He brushed out the strands of hair sticking on my face and slides them right behind my ears. I look up and place my head on his torso gently; he slings his arms over my neck and held me closer and whispered " what happened to you?"

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