The school

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"The second son of Kim's."

He ran away..

Taehyung sighed, I mean I did expect this, I shouldn't be this sad.

He slowly walked inside and quietly sat on the dinner table. Jungkook's mother started to serve him the dinner. "What school does your son go to?"

Mrs Jeon was surprised at the question, why was the young master asking about her son, but she replied regardless, "He just got a scholarship so he would be attending your school."

Taehyung's eyes widened at the information, Jungkook told him nothing about this. Why does he need to anyways, he didn't know what school Taehyung was going to and also didn't know who he was.

But now he does...

Taehyung quietly finished the food and went to his room. He updated his Instagram story and went to sleep, a lot earlier than usual.

Jungkook was sitting in the room shared by him and his mother. He had put his head on the small table kept at the side of the room.

It was him in the morning. Aghh! I feel so embarrassed, I called him arrogant to himself. I am so fucking dumb.

But he also didn't have to lie to me...he didn't lie but he also didn't tell the truth though.

Why am I sad, he is a dumbass lier. Jungkook pouted but saddened real quick, We couldn't stay friends now, his mom perhaps wouldn't like it...

He opened Instagram and saw Taehyung had updated his story. He never did that before, he clicked on it and saw a picture the fountain, the fountain of Taehyung's house.


The next day, the schools had reopened.

Jungkook was very nervous as it was his first day attending school where only rich kids go to, he had seen it the drama Boys over flowers, when the female lead went there on scholarship, he just hopes something like that wouldn't happen to him.

Taehyung on the other hand kept staring at the uniform, the memories hit his mind like a truck. He doesn't want to go back to that hell hole, but what he wants doesn't matter. He can't go against his father, this wasn't allowed.

He got dressed, had his breakfast and stood in front of the car, hesitating to open the door. He kept glancing towards main door of his house, the boy wasn't coming out or had Jungkook left already?
He sighed and got into the car looking outside the window through the ride to school.

In the school

"Did you hear, Kim Taehyung has returned and he is coming to school today?" Echoed through the hallways of the school.

A girl walked towards Hana and stood in front of her with hands on her hips and a slight smirk, "You didn't tell us your fiancé has returned orrr.. did you even know it yourself." She mocked.

Hana shut her locker and turned around facing the girl with a smirk, "I knew it already and also our families are going to dine together tomorrow"

The girl scoffed and walked away to her friends while Hana clenched her phone tightly and went to an empty classroom and dialed Taehyung.

"You didn't tell me you were coming back to this school." She shouted

"What other school do you think I would go to." He replied form the other side, boringly.

"Shut up Taehyung! Good that we met at your father's party for adults and a few of the stupid kids, where most of these stupid kids didn't come to or else I would have been dumbfounded about your arrival to Korea like them.....ahh forget it! I need you to tell me everything from now."

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