The arrogant bastard

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Namjoon was sitting at a bar with his secretary. "I don't even know why I have to come here." Mr Park said."I told you to consider it as working overtime." Namjoon said, sipping on his whiskey.

"How is Taehyung?"

"Alright I guess. He misses you."

Namjoon didn't reply, just nodded lightly. He received a call at that moment, he sighed picking it up. "What?"

"My parents want to see your parents the next week and I have a date with my boyfriend that day. Make sure to cancel it." A girl from the other side said.

"And what made you think I would do so?" He said chugging down his whiskey.

"Oh come on don't pretend to be a saint! I know you probably have a girlfriend too."

"Girlfriend?" He asked as he chuckled, "No I don't."

"Why? Did you fall in love with me? I hope you didn't, this marriage would mean nothing more strong business relations." She said in a serious voice.

"Don't worry, I would rather sell all my stocks than falling for you."

The girl, Namjoon's fiancé scoffed and replied, "I don't care, cancel the dinner." and hung up.

"Girlfriend." He repeated as he looked at Mr Park. "Why does nobody ask 'boyfriend' ?" A tear slipped passed his eyes as he blinked.

"He isn't even my boyfriend, but.." He gluped down a little more than a little whiskey, "But..I love him" He started to sob, "I love him a lot."

Mr Park sat there, rubbing his back. This the most and also the least he could do.

"Why doesn't he understand, I'll fight for him." He sipped another sip. "I'll fight for us. He doesn't have to do anything, just...just stand by my side."

This kept going on and also did Namjoon taking sip after sip. After a little while, Namjoon was completely drunk. "Come Mr Kim, let's go to your home." Mr Park said grabbing his shoulders, trying to pull him up.


"Yes home, let's go now."

"No, call him. I won't leave unless." Namjoon Hiccups "Unless he comes."

"Mr Kim try to understand." Mr Park tried to convince, but Namjoon didn't reply, instead he put his head on the table and closed his eyes.

Mr Park sighed and finally accepting the defeat, he called Seokjin. After a while Jin arrived, wearing a white sweat shirt and black trousers. "Where is he?" He asked Mr Park. The later pointed at Namjoon who was sitting then at chair and head on the table, but in a swift second he got up.

"Jinn~" He called out when he saw him and excitedly waved his hands like a little boy.

Seokjin smiled sadly and waved back a little too. Namjoon came to him running and hugged him tightly. "I thought you wouldn't come." He whispered, still hugging.

"Now I am here right? Let's go home." He whispered back.

"Home...yeah.... um....yours?" He asked hesitantly as he looked up at Jin with teary eyes.

Jin sadly looked down before he looked at Mr Park who nodded at him in return. Jin smiled and whispered softly, caressing his back, "Hmm let's go to my home."

They broke the hug and Jin started to walk towards his car, Namjoon following behind like a puppy. He put on Namjoon's seat belt and sat in the driver's seat and started to drive.

By the time they reached the flat, Namjoon had slept already. Jin looked at him with teary eyes and caressed his cheek, "I am sorry, I-I am not allowed to to love you." He said.

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