My eyes widened as I saw that he was unfazed. "That doesn't matter, it just means he's incredibly strong and works hard for his family! Along with him being born with different physical traits isn't as different as everyone else! All of you should be ashamed of yourselves for not realizing his sweet personality! He's the most kindest, and most gentle person I know! He's no Monster" Tanjiro shouted. I was shocked but relieved he didn't mind having an abnormal friend. This isn't his fight though, I'll just leave. "Tanjiro it's ok, I'll just go, I'm obviously not welcomed so I'll leave" I spoke as I place my hand on his head.

He looked back up at me and frowned. "No, don't go, just prove them wrong" he spoke as he grabbed my hand and held it to his chest. I smiled and gave him a hug. "It'll be alright, I'll just wait for you outside the village" I spoke with a sad smile as I let him go. I start to walk away as the villagers started to throw rocks at me. "That's Right, Run Back To Your Cursed Family!" A boy spoke up. "I wouldn't be surprised if he's the reason his mother died" someone spoke as I froze in place but surpressed my anger and kept walking.

"Please! Stop that!" Tanjiro yelled out as I turn back around. Only to witness Tanjiro block some of the rocks with his arms. That's when one of the rocks hit his head hard, making him fall to the floor. That crossed the line. Something within me snapped "DON'T HURT HIM!!" I ran over to Tanjiro's body and shielded him from the rocks. I don't care how much pain I'm in, I won't let him get hurt anymore. No one will ever even touch a single hair on his head. "Get off Tanjiro you beast!" A boy shouted as he began to kick my back. As he did I heard Tanjiro groan beneath me.

I lift myself up a little and smile at him. "Are you ok Tanjiro?" I smile as he held a look of horror, noticing my condition. "Y/n your getting hurt!" He exclaimed in concern. "I don't care, as long as your safe, I don't matter" the boy kicked my face as I stood my ground. "Stop It! Y/n's just Protecting Me!" He shouted as the villagers stopped throwing the rocks.

The boy kept kicking me though, I grab his foot before he almost hit Tanjiro, and gently push him away. He fell onto his butt as I glared at him. I turn back to Tanjiro and smiled. My hand reaches his face as I wipe the blood from his temple. "Let's get you home and patch you up" I spoke as Tanjiro was about to protest.

I didn't let him speak as I picked him up with one arm, like a princess except he's a kind hearted prince instead. He yelped in surprise as I giggled. "No Y/n, I can walk" Tanjiro protested. "It's fine, this was my fault anyway, let's just get home" I spoke as he knew it was pointless to argue with me. No matter what he tried, I always somehow convince him to do things my way. Especially when times like this happen, where he gets hurt. As I carried him he buried his face into my chest for warmth from the bitter cold. I held him closer as we got to my house.

I walk inside and go to my room and lay Tanjiro onto my futon. He sat there patiently as I ran to get the first-aid. Entering the kitchen I noticed my father Sanoji cooking. I tried sneaking away so he wouldn't notice me but failed as a floor board creaked beneath my feet. "Welcome ba- What on earth happened to you?!" He spoke worriedly as he came up to me. "I just took a little fall, nothing big dad" I reassured him, though he didn't look convinced. "It was those villagers again wasn't it?" Dad spoke harshly. "Those jerks, beating up my hardworking son" he grumbled.

"No dad, it's fine, really, but I have to go patch up Tan-" I cut myself off as I froze. I look back at dad to see his most angered face. "THEY HURT TANJIRO TOO, OH THEY ARE SO PAYING FOR THAT!! NO ONE HARMS MY SON AND FUTURE SON IN LAW AND GETS AWAY WITH IT!!!!!" Dad rampaged as he was about to run off. I grab his shirt and cover his mouth. "Dad! Don't say that while he's here!" I whisper shout, as I let him go. "Why not? You need to tell him your feelings before I do or its too late and someone else takes him" Dad crossed his arms. "Alright fine, but please don't cause any more trouble with the village, we don't need anymore of that" I say as he gives in.

I sigh and walk back to my room. 'I'm very thankful for my dad, after I told him I liked Tanjiro he was very supportive about it' I thought as I entered my room. I watch as I see Kaito hug Tanjiro, while Tanjiro smiled sweetly at him. Kaito is only 2 years old but he loves Tanjiro. I smile at the sight and sat next to Tanjiro. Grabbing Kaito and putting him in his crib which is next to my futon. I return to Tanjiro and open the first-aid to begin working on his wounds.

While wrapping his head I noticed his intense focused stare, with a dust of pink on his cheeks. I just continued to wrap the bandages as I tie them in a knot. "Alright, all done" I spoke. "Thanks Y/n" he thanked me as I smiled. "Now your turn" he spoke. "No please, I can do it myself" I refuse but he gave that one look. That look when he won't give up on his request/offer. As I look at that face, that expression. I sigh and nod, handing him the kit as he began to work on my wounds.

He was now wrapping my head where I was bleeding from before. As he stared at it so intently I couldn't help but be mesmerized. His messed up long hair, those concentrated magenta eyes and those ever so sweet soft lips. I want to kiss them so badly but I must restrain myself until I confess to him. That's when Tanjiro fell forward and fell ontop of me.

"I'm So Sorry Y/n!" Tanjiro apologized as I laughed. His tense body soon became relaxed at my sudden laughter. "It's ok Tanjiro, accidents happen" Tanjiro giggled and smiled at me "Glad I didn't hurt you". As I watched him laugh he noticed my stare and looked back at me. What the? His eyes changed, their filled with something that I've never seen before. This feeling, I want to steal one, just one kiss.

Third person P.O.V

Both Tanjiro and Y/n stared into each others eyes as they both felt this urge to lean in. Both boys begin leaning in and started to get closer as their eyes began to flutter close. They were just about to connect their lips but were quickly interrupted by a certain adult. "Y/n, food is-" Sanoji cut himself off as he saw the position they were in as their faces turned beet red. "I'll leave you two be" Sanoji slid the door closed and ran away before they could reason with him about what happened.

The boys scrambled up and sat awkwardly in silence. As Y/n then broke it "That's gonna be a hard one to explain" he chuckled. Tanjiro was still silent since his heart felt like it was gonna explode. 'We Almost Kissed!!' Tanjiro mentally screamed as he tried to calm himself. Y/n could see the visible redness on Tanjiro's face as he sighed. "I'm sorry if that was, overwhelming or uncomfortable" he spoke but got no answer. Y/n tilted his head to get a better look at Tanjiro's face.

"Are you mad?" he asked. Tanjiro finally snapped out of his daze and spoke "What? No, I'm not mad! I'm just, in shock" Tanjiro spoke, still quite embarrassed. "Ok good, anyway let's go eat before the food gets cold" Y/n said as he stood up and held his hand out for Tanjiro. Tanjiro looked up and smiled "Yeah, I'm starving" they both laughed. The two of them made their way out of the room and to the dining room.

Little did they know, was that something brutal was happening that very night.

I'm No Monster. Tanjiro x Demon!MaleReaderWhere stories live. Discover now