Chapter 28 [Baby Steps]

Comenzar desde el principio

“You cried?” out of her long explanation, weird enough the only thing that stood out was the fact that she admitted that she had cried over it. And it bothered me that she cried.

“I did. I was scared.” She answered and I nodded. I too, was scared. More to shock but yes, scared was definitely on the list as well. “I haven’t even told my mother…” she whispered, barely audible but I heard it. “Thinking of her, that’s why I cried.”

We ended up talking about it for hours: what we’re going to do, what was the plan now and why exactly she wasn’t aborting the baby. She was keeping it, there were no swaying her from it.

The first person I told was Ryui and he didn’t say anything. Next, I turn to my sister. Eliza was somewhere on a yacht in the Bahamas when I called.

“Aren’t you being safe?” was the first thing that she blurted out when I told her. I assure her that we were being careful but there was no turning back time. Fay was pregnant and there wasn’t a single doubt that the baby weren’t mine.

“Haven’t you told mother?”

I lay back on my bed and closed my eyes, running my fingers through my hair. “No, I haven’t. She’s not well at the moment and I’m afraid if I did tell her, she’ll have a heart attack.”

“I bet! Her perfect son impregnated a girl.” Eliza chuckled.

“I’m glad you’re amused. Thank you for being no help at all.” again, she giggled on the other end but sobered up.

“What do you plan to do?” she asked. “Because you’re pretty much cornered now, Aide. You’re publically dating, if anything happened to her people are going to figure out that it’s you eventually. And she’s not aborting. People are going to work out that the baby is yours and when they do…” she stopped, leaving the rest of the sentence to my imagination. It didn’t take much for me to envisage the vision of what will happen.

The crown price had a secret child. Oh what a headline that will be.

“Either way, you’re in a world of trouble. The only way out is to convince her to abort the baby.” Eliza continued after a minute of silence.

“She’s not doing it. If I could convince her, I would by now but, Fay is not giving up the baby. And before you could say anything Lizzy, she’s not that kind of woman.” On the other line I can imagine Lizzy’s eyes rolling. I know what she was thinking: that Fay was not giving up the baby because she might be lusting after my title, money and position. But I knew Fay well. She wasn’t even impressed with all of that no, if ever she had always regarded my title as a burden. She wouldn’t want her child to grow up to be like me, she made it clear today.

I remembered what she said accurately. “I’m keeping the baby. If you don’t want it, I can just be responsible for it myself. Its okay, I understand. You have a country to think about.”

“How can you be sure?” faintly I heard my sister. I blinked and shove away my recollecting.

“I’m sure.” I sighed, feeling particularly frustrated. It was not that I was not going to take responsibility but standing in my shoes… but to know she was already prepared to do everything without my help. It stung. “Her plan was to accept a scholarship abroad and raise the baby alone by herself, without me.”



“That bruised your ego a bit didn’t it?” Eliza dropped her tone. My all knowing sister, ladies and gents!

“Kinda did.”

“Still if she was planning to do it away from you just to spare you then, that’s very…. Noble of her.” she commented and I nodded. “So, what are you going to do now?”

“I don’t know.”

Hanging up after my talk with Eliza I lay sprawled on my bed for hours, thinking and rethinking things. All I saw was one way out but if I was really going through with it then, I may just have to put everything in line. My mother was probably going to have a heart attack hearing it; my father may just banish me or have me send to a mental help care facility. I eventually did end up dozing off sometime after the sun was steadily rising. After getting some sleep for a few hours, I washed up and got ready to see my mother.

I got a vase thrown at me by my mother as soon as I convinced her that I was lucid, serious and with or without her permission I was going through with my plan. She almost had a cardiac arrest but managed to call my father for back up. He was busy, thankfully and cannot get to her on time. By the time my father was free I was already on my way to see Fay.


“What’s the rush?” I asked my eyes glued to the meter. Aiden was driving as if we were in some kind of a car chase. He then looked sideways and grinned. He picked me up from home after having a very secretive talk with my mom at the kitchen. An hour later we arrived at the beach. It was a very pleasant day to be out on the beach, throwing ball and get a tan. When we stepped out I noticed that the coast was empty, for miles the stretch of beach was completely deserted. Aiden later pointed out that the area was privately owned by the royal family so there was no one for miles. There was no other building for miles so there will be no one to bother us.

“I have been thinking about what you said.” he begun, linking hands as we walked along the white sand beach. The blue waters were reflecting the sun’s rays, tempting me to wade in. “I’m not letting you do everything alone by yourself.”

“What are you going to do then?” we stopped and facing me, Aiden put his hands on my shoulders.

“I don’t know what’s going to happen but for now, all I know is that I don’t want you to do it alone. My parents have already thought I have lost my mind and I think I’m crazy too. But that okay, crazy in a good way I guess. I can’t promise anything to you and I can’t even guarantee much but for all I’m worth as me, Fay Lara Addams, will you marry me?” stunned I was incapable of speech. I can hardly breathe let alone give him an answer but thankfully Aiden continued talking. “I don’t even have a decent ring to put on your finger.” Then, he chuckled pulling out a simple ring out of his finger and held it out for me. it was really just a simple ring, there was no gems decorating it, jus his initials.


I took the ring with shaking fingers but Aiden shook his head. Then he went on one knee and put the ring on me. Staring at the ring on my finger, I smiled as tears brimming in my eyes clouding my vision.

"Are you sure? this is a big step?" 

Aiden smiled and wiped my falling tears. then, he nodded. 


so i apologize for the late upload.. i have been so swamped with assignment and quizzes... still am actually but im taking time to write because i was feeling so bad no uploading. leave me some feedback please, and encouragement too, for me to upload often because your comments are my writing fuel! 

lots of love, 


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