Chapter Eleven: Will PoV

Start from the beginning

"She's just... curious. That's the word. Natasha just takes things too far sometimes. They're all interested in meeting Will," Bucky replies, continuing to fiddle with the door handle awkwardly.

I'm pretty excited to meet the Avengers. I don't actually know anything about them. I've only heard of Thor and Ironman from Leo, and I haven't even seen photos of the rest. Well, excluding Steve and Bucky, with whom we went to coffee.

I grab Nico's hand and say, "Well then, let's go meet them!"

"Jar- sorry, Friday," Bucky trips over his words a little, "Friday, please alert the Avengers that I've found Will and Nico, and we're coming up."

"Yes, Metal Mouth," the intercom-robot-thing responds.

Bucky groans at the nickname and leads us up to the Avengers' living room. When we walk through the doorway, I freeze. All of the Avengers are lounging on the couch, and once I see their faces, I go still.

"Hey, Will!" Steve greets me, but I don't respond.

"Wiiiiiill," Nico waves a hand in front of my face, "Are you there?"

I can't stop glaring at Clint standing in front of me. He withers under my glare.

Finally, Clint musters up the strength to say something, "Hi, Will."

I snap; I just can't take it anymore. I walk straight up to Clint and punch him in the face, "CLINT BARTON! YOU-YOU-YOU TRAITOR!

Everyone backs away a little.

"I deserved that," Clint mumbles meekly, rubbing his cheek where I punched him.

"You deserve much more than that weak punch!" I take deep breaths, trying to calm myself.

Nico quickly moves in front of me, so I don't punch my big brother again, "Will, calm down. What exactly is going on here? Do you and Clint know each other?"

I ball my hands into fists, "Know him?! He's my brother."

"Wait, what?" Tony and Romanoff say simultaneously.

Clint jumps in, "Will's my half-brother. We share the same dad."

Nico arches an eyebrow, "Dad? As in Cabin Seven?"

Clint nods and asks, "You, Nico?"

Nico replies, "Cabin Thirteen."

"Thirteen?" Clint asks.

I cut in there, "You've been gone a long time, Clint," I feel another pang of anger, "Where were you?! We needed you; I needed you. Did you know that I'm head counselor now? Lee and Michael are dead. Half of camp died; meanwhile, you were busy playing superhero."

Clint looks shocked, "What happened?"

I say the next part in Ancient Greek, aware that the Avengers are consuming our fight like reality tv. I think Stark's eating popcorn, *Two wars. I was the head counselor for the second. At thirteen years old, I became head counselor and medic in the midst of a WAR. I have watched people die. I've tended to fatal wounds and delivered so much bad news knowing had YOU been there; dozens more lives could have been saved!*

"Back up a second. You said half of the people at your camp died. This is the same camp Nico's living at, right?" Bucky interjects.

Clint and I ignore him.

"I'm sorry," Clint says in English this time.

I shout back at him in English, "You don't get to be sorry. You were more than just another sibling; I looked up to you. Six years ago, when I told my mom about everything, she kicked me out. Everyone in Cabin Seven became my family, but you, I knew I could always count on you to be there for me. Now, Mom still won't let me near her, my little sister, or my stepfather, and you've abandoned me. So 'I'm sorry' really doesn't cut it," I storm off, racing towards the stairs. I need to leave.

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