|•| Almost There |•|

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"Help me gather some wood for the campfire?" Trevor asks Stela as they were setting up camp for the night. Darkness had fallen quickly when Gresit was a few miles behind them and Alucard had suggested they rested their horses to not wear them out.

"Sure, Adrien stay with Sypha." Stela said as she handed her brother the blankets she was carrying. Much to her surprise (and a bit of relief), her brother didn't protest about her going into the woods alone with Trevor.

"You know, I do hope we find your family library alright. It'd be a shame that we came all this way just to find it destroyed by the elements." Stela said as she began to gather large sticks.

"I'm sure it's alright." Trevor assured her. "I think you and Sypha would like it, it's filled with lots of books."

"We'll see, the most books I've ever seen in one place were in my father's library."

"Well I'm sure your father doesn't have books on how to slay gorgons, or a more correct way to kill demons."

Stela laughed. "My father's library was filled with books of medical research on both humans, vampires, and I think some on creatures of the night. I remember finding books on astrology too, he introduced them to me since I loved trying to climb onto the roof of one of the towers with my little brother to stargaze."

"Hard to imagine that sulky brother of yours actually having fun." Trevor comments as he collected his sticks, tucking them under one arm and making sure he didn't accidentally snap them.

"And I find it hard to imagine a man like you was once an innocent and cute child who thought the most important thing in the world was trying to find lizards in the gardens." Stela retorts, a small smirk on her lips as Trevor makes a face. "Really, it's hard to imagine you were cute and a baby."

"I don't know whether to laugh at your remark or poke fun back at you." The hunter admits as his companion starts to walk back to the camp and followed. "And I was downright adorable as a child."

"I'll need proof of that."

The two soon arrived back at their camp, Alucard setting up a circle of stones to make their fire pit and Sypha unhitching their horses to let them graze and rest.

"Good to have you back!" Sypha greeted as they entered their little camp. "No problems finding wood?"

"Nah, lots of twigs out here." Trevor responds as he drops his pile of sticks in front of Alucard. "Need help setting a fire?"

"Let me do it, I've made camp fires before." Stela said, dropping to her knees and began placing her sticks in a tent-like shape inside the stones. Sypha aided her in lighting the fire, just using a bit of her magic to ignite the sticks.

"So, who's hungry?" Sypha asked with a grin.

The three ate a mix of roasted meat with some roasted apple pieces, passing around a water skin to drink from. They were mostly quiet while they ate, Stela, Alucard and Sypha quietly commenting on something while Trevor just remained quiet and chewed on his food.

"I'm still not completely clear on why you don't catch fire in the daylight." Sypha said to Alucard after they finished their meal.

"I'm half human, my mother's name was Lisa and she was mortal." Alucard explained.

"I would very much like to hear the story of how that happened." Sypha said with a small smile and Alucard chuckled. "Along with how she probably managed to convince your father to adopt Stela into your family."

"She convinced the Lord of darkness to let a starving human child stay with them simply convincing him the same way she convinced him to teach her medicine." Stela laughs

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