Letter 3 : Two Wrongs Don't Make It Right

Start from the beginning

 Why would I now want to join the elite 'cheaters club' and forever have to admit that I've cheated on my spouse for grimy revenge?

Moreover I don't want to hurt a man who owes me nothing by involving him in my revenge.

Now I am not talking about cheating, that is of no interest to me. I am talking about me being the same Serena as I was before discovering your dick's journey through all the easily available hell holes of the whores around you. But at that moment of rage I wanted you to start to wonder about it though. I wanted to make you very perturbed about me . I wanted you to start thinking I can be as low as you are if that will make you able to understand what you have done to me. I wanted to make your stomach churn with disgust and hatred,. wanted to try to put blames and accusations on you like you do to me. I wanted you to feel manipulated and gas lighted like you do to me. I wanted you to live in chaos and turmoil like I am now because of your misdeeds done to me . 

I just played with the idea of cheating on you for a quarter of a minute in my mind and all I kept discerning was how you were engaging in this crap-shitty behaviour. I couldn't even enjoy thought of the flirting with anyone, cheating is beyond imagination. It just made me more upset.

I wanted to expose you and your whores in front of everyone who matters. Cheaters stoop very low as humans so they have to hide and lie about who they truly are and what they do because they know how wrong they are, they know the damage they are causing but they cannot get away with this hogwash. Since it's easier to blame the person we don't love at all as a spouse you were committed to me not those skanks. 'You are not your thoughts, you are your actions.'

 Cheaters don't generally stop at one incident. So the unimaginable, irreversible, heart-wrenching damage that you did to me, you will do the same to the next person. Moreover, if the other women didn't respect the boundaries of a married man, do you really think they will respect whatever relationship they are in? In the end, both of you will do more damage and cause more pain to each other than I could ever do. 

So I just want to live my life, sit back and watch the train-wreck unfold. I want to be patient for the Karma to hit back on you.

When I wrote that letter I wished your whores to die with their ugly families too. I wished they get murdered or hit by bus or fall off a cliff. The situation was already bad I just wanted to make it worse to ease my hurt and pain . I fantasize about smashing the faces of your whores but the legal ramifications are almost certainly not worth the hassle.

One more important point of thought came to my mind when I thought of taking revenge on the women who spoilt our relationship. It is a very important point. What purpose will be served by causing harm to the whores? When a man decides to cheat on his wife he doesn't care who the other woman is so basically? She should be handily and easily available. So you are the main culprit here. You needed a woman rather any woman to fulfil your lusty desires. So whoever came in front of you, you took them to enjoy your cake. You would have cheated with any hoe. Yes definitely you must have cheated without thinking about any particular woman. You have, you must have bedded any woman you got.

I have a speciality if you remember, I have moral high ground so I never make permanent decisions during temporary situations. Things usually pass and taking the high road is a huge relief when all is said and done. It can be a powerful feeling to not stoop. 

Karma is a boomerang. 

However philosophically I do not consider a revenge affair to be cheating. Once a partner cheats the marriage vows are broken and you no longer have any obligation to honour your commitment to the cheater. But I want to gift myself with the peace and self-respect that you will never have being a cheater.

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