Why is my heart pounding again?

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- Day 71 -

Kyungsoo is not in his bedroom when Jongin wakes up in the morning. Jongin immediately takes a shower and then gets dressed. When Jongin wants to get out of Kyungsoo's bedroom, he accidentally bumps into Kyungsoo who is about to enter the room.

Jongin's heart starts pounding because Kyungsoo stands so close to him. Kyungsoo says, "Let's have breakfast." Jongin quickly gets his backpack, then he goes to the dining room to eat breakfast with Kyungsoo and Minseok.

In the car on the way to school, Jongin's heart starts pounding again when his and Kyungsoo's gazes meet by chance. Jongin looks away and says in his heart, "Why does my heart always pound when our eyes meet? It can't be because I like Kyungsoo, right? No no no, of course I don't like him. Maybe I'm just too scared of him because of what happened last night."

At school Jongin tries to avoid Kyungsoo all day. Kyungsoo who is confused with Jongin's behavior, asks Jongin when the class ends, "What's wrong with you today?" Jongin replies without looking at Kyungsoo, "Nothing." Then Jongin leaves Kyungsoo right away to go home.

At night while Jongin is doing his homework in his room, he hears his mom's voice outside his room, "Just go inside. Jongin is doing his homework." Then Jongin hears a knock on the door. Jongin is surprised when he opens the door.

Jongin asks, "What are you doing here?" Kyungsoo stares at Jongin and asks, "Why did you avoid me? Are you angry with me? Did I do something wrong?" Jongin turns his back to Kyungsoo to avoid Kyungsoo's gaze, he says in his heart, "What should I do? My heart starts to pound again."

Kyungsoo says, "If you don't want to talk to me anymore, then I won't bother you anymore. Thank you for everything you've done for me. I just want you to know that I adore you so much that I don't want to forget that I have a friend like you." Just when Kyungsoo wants to leave, Jongin turns to face Kyungsoo, he says out loud, "Wait!" Kyungsoo stops his steps.

When Kyungsoo turns around to face Jongin, Jongin looks down to avoid Kyungsoo's gaze. Jongin says, "I'm sorry for avoiding you. I just... Cant's stay too close to you... Because... I'm scared of you, I think." Kyungsoo asks in shock, "Scared? Did I do something terrible to you? What have I done?" 

Jongin says in his heart while looking down, "I'd better forget it and never bring it up since Kyungsoo doesn't remember he kissed me." Seeing Jongin silent, Kyungsoo says in his heart sadly, "I must have done something really bad to Jongin. I should treat Jongin much better from now on to make up my mistake." Kyungsoo leaves without saying anything and Jongin doesn't stop Kyungsoo from leaving because he doesn't know what to say to Kyungsoo.

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- Day 72 -

Kyungsoo meets Jongin at the school gate when he comes to school in the morning, he keeps his distance from Jongin because he doesn't want Jongin to be scared of him. Jongin walks slowly leaving Kyungsoo. When Jongin looks back and doesn't see Kyungsoo behind him, he walks back to school gate. 

Jongin sees Jennie talking to Kyungsoo from afar, he doesn't want to disturb them so he waits behind a tree near them. Jongin finally finds out that the love letter he got was actually from Jennie, but it had torn up by Jihyun because of a misunderstanding, then Kyungsoo copied the love letter because Kyungsoo felt responsible, therefore the writing on the love letter he received was Kyungsoo's not Jennie's.

When class ends, Kyungsoo says to Jongin, "Sorry to bother you, I just want to let you know that Jennie is waiting for you at Peaches Cafe now." "Okay," says Jongin, then he leaves the school. 

Kyungsoo is cleaning the classroom with Sehun, Baekhyun, Jihyun and Sohee when Jennie confesses her feelings to Jongin at Peaches Cafe. Jongin accepts Jennie's feelings with hope his heart would stop pounding when he's with Kyungsoo. 

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- Day 73 -

At lunch break, Jongin says to Jihyun, Sohee and Kyungsoo, "I have a girlfriend now, and I want you all to meet her after school." Jihyun, Sohee and Kyungsoo look surprised but they are happy for Jongin.

After school, Jennie comes to Jongin's school to meet Jongin. Jihyun and Sohee are surprised when they know Jennie is Jongin's girlfriend. Kyungsoo says to Jongin and Jennie while smiling, "Congratulations. I hope your relationship lasts forever."

Jongin says to Jihyun, "With this, I hope it clears up your misunderstanding about Kyungsoo and Jennie. Please don't be mad at Kyungsoo again." Jihyun quickly says to Kyungsoo, "I'm sorry. I really didn't know that..." Before Jihyun can finish her sentence, Jennie says to Kyungsoo, "Jihyun really likes you. Why don't you become her boyfriend?" Kyungsoo says, "I'm sorry. I can't... With my condition, I will only hurt Jihyun more because I can't be a good boyfriend to her." Jihyun leaves sadly. Sohee also leaves. 

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- Day 74 -

Jongin waits for Kyungsoo at the school gate when he arrives at school in the morning. When Kyungsoo arrives, Jongin invites Kyungsoo to walk together to their classroom. Kyungsoo asks, "You are not scared of me anymore?" Jongin smiles and shakes his head. Kyungsoo smiles happily.

At lunch break, Kyungsoo and Jongin eat lunch together with Jihyun, Sohee and Jongdae in the canteen. Jongin asks, "So, what should I do on my first date? I have never been in a relationship before." Jongdae answers quickly, "Karaoke!" Jihyun replies, "No, dinner is better." Sohee says, "Take a walk at a park is nice." Kyungsoo only chuckles seeing Jongin confused.

Suddenly Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Sehun sit at the same table, then Chanyeol says to Jongin confidently, "Movie is the best choice. Trust me!" Sehun adds with a naughty smile, "Dating in a dark place gives you benefits." Baekhyun chimes in with a flirty style, "When the movie starts, you can grope your girlfriend's body without being awkward because no one can see you, then you can kiss her freely in the dark."

Jihyun who gets annoyed, says to Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Sehun with anger, "Who asks your opinion?? And why are the three of you sitting here?? Kyungsoo must have forgotten what you did but I'm not! Go away you jerk!" Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Sehun instantly move to eat at another table.

Hearing what Baekhyun said reminds Jongin of what happened at Kyungsoo's house. When Jongin's eyes accidentally look at Kyungsoo's lips, Jongin suddenly remembers how it felt when Kyungsoo kissed him and it makes Jongin's heart start pounding again.

Jongin stares at Kyungsoo while grumbling in his heart, "This is not fair, you easily forget what you did but I can't even forget it even if I try." Jongin suddenly grabs Kyungsoo's hand, then he pulls Kyungsoo to go with him. Jihyun, Sohee and Jongdae only stare confusedly at Jongin and Kyungsoo who leave them.

Jongin takes Kyungsoo to the restroom and then locks the door so no one can come in. Jongin pushes Kyungsoo against the wall roughly. Kyungsoo asks in fear, "What's wrong with you?" Jongin says angrily, "Good question! Let me tell you what's wrong with me! I can't even forget what you did to me yet you easily forget it thanks to your stupid illness!" Kyungsoo asks confusedly, "What have I done?" Jongin suddenly kisses Kyungsoo forcibly.

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