Kyungsoo-ah, take responsibility!

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Baekhyun and Sehun are punished to sweep the front and backyard of the school. They both skip class until the class ends using punishment as an excuse.

After school, Sehun waits for Jihyun near the school gate. Sehun pulls Jihyun's hand and drags Jihyun forcibly to the school backyard where Baekhyun and Chanyeol are waiting.

Baekhyun says to Jihyun, "I know you really like Kyungsoo... But reporting me and Sehun to the homeroom teacher is wrong." Jihyun says, "I don't know what you're talking about." Sehun says, "Kyungsoo can never report us because he always forgets everything the next day. It must be you. Come on, admit it!"

Suddenly Jongin shows up and says, "Looks like I have to make another report to our homeroom teacher tomorrow." Chanyeol punches Jongin in the stomach and then Baekhyun and Sehun gang up on Jongin. Jihyun screams for help.

Kyungsoo who hears Jihyun's scream, quickly runs to the school backyard. Chanyeol says, "Kyungsoo-ah, if you don't want to be beaten, leave now." Kyungsoo leaves without saying anything. Jihyun runs after Kyungsoo.

Baekhyun laughs and mocks Jongin, "Yaa! Newbie! You see that?? You defended Kyungsoo but he didn't even care about you. He left you!" Sehun kicks Jongin and says, "Next time. just mind your own business!" Then Chanyeol, Sehun and Baekhyun leave Jongin who is in pain.

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- Day 18 -

Jihyun runs to Jongin once she sees Jongin coming into the classroom in the morning. Jihyun says, "Sorry to leave you like that yesterday." Jongin says, "It's okay." Jihyun says, "Let me treat your bruises. I brought ointment from home." When Jihyun is applying ointment on Jongin's bruises on his back and stomach, Kyungsoo comes into the classroom with Sohee.

Sohee who is startled, asks, "What happened?" Jihyun tells Sohee what happened yesterday. Kyungsoo looks at Jongin with a guilt, he says, "Sorry I didn't help you yesterday." Jongin stares at Kyungsoo sharply, he says, "Take responsibility." Kyungsoo nods in fear.

After school, Kyungsoo takes Jongin to the hospital to treat Jongin's bruises. When the treatment is over, Jongin says, "Okay, because of your illness, I won't ask you to take care of me until I'm fully recovered. But at least for today, you have to do whatever I want. Deal?" Kyungsoo nods obediently.

Jongin asks Kyungsoo to buy him dinner and then Jongin takes Kyungsoo to XOXO mall to buy new arrival lipsticks for his two older sisters.

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- Day 19 -

When Jongin arrives at the classroom in the morning, he sees a box lunch under his desk. Jongin looks at Kyungsoo who is sitting in front of him, he thinks, "Is it from Kyungsoo?... Nah, I don't think so. He can't remember anything."

After the lunch break, Jongin approaches Jihyun, he says, "Thanks." Jihyun is puzzled, "Huh?" Sohee who is curious, instantly showers Jihyun with questions, "Since when you and Jongin are close? You like him? What about Kyungsoo? Have you moved on from Kyungsoo?" Jihyun shakes her head. Sohee says while smiling, "When I saw you applying medicine on Jongin's bruises. I thought you had fallen for him." Jihyun says firmly, "I like Kyungsoo." Sohee sighs.

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- Day 29 -

Jongin still keeps getting food that is placed under his desk for a week straight. This morning he gets a jar of chocolate cookies.

Jongin approaches Jihyun who is chatting with Sohee and Jongdae. Jongin gives Jihyun the jar of chocolate cookies and says, "It's not your fault that I got hurt. I'm fine now, so don't do this, or others will misunderstand." Jihyun gets confused, "Huh??" Sohee looks at Jihyun and Jongin alternately in confusion.

Jongdae smiles and says to Jongin, "I saw Kyungsoo put it under your desk this morning." Jongin, Jihyun and Sohee ask in disbelief at the same time, "Kyungsoo???" Jongdae nods. Jongin says, "But Kyungsoo hasn't come yet." Jongdae replies, "He came and then left again with our homeroom teacher for a high school cooking competition."

Jihyun says in disbelief, "Kyungsoo we know would never do this kind of thing." Sohee says, "I know, right?" Jongdae gets offended, he says, "You guys don't believe me? It's really him. I saw it with my own eyes."

Jongin waits for Kyungsoo to return to school so he can ask Kyungsoo, but Kyungsoo doesn't return to school until the class ends.

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- Day 30 -

After school, Baekhyun and Sehun tell Jihyun and Sohee not to clean the classroom. Jihyun and Sohee are forced to immediately leave the classroom and go home by Baekhyun and Sehun.

Meanwhile in the school field, Jongin is waiting for Kyungsoo because he still wants to talk to Kyungsoo. When Jongin sees Jihyun and Sohee leaving school, he becomes worried, he quickly runs back to the classroom. 

Jongin sees Baekhyun and Sehun bullying Kyungsoo from outside the class window. Jongin immediately takes out his cellphone and records Baekhyun and Sehun's actions. Then Jongin comes into the classroom and shows the video to Baekhyun and Sehun.

Jongin says, "If you don't want this video to circulate at school tomorrow morning, don't you ever bother Kyungsoo again!" Baekhyun and Sehun leave with annoyance. Kyungsoo says, "Thank you for saving me." Jongin says, "I didn't save you. I just get annoyed when I see someone being bullied before my eyes." Kyungsoo falls silent.

Jongin asks, "Are you the one who always puts food under my desk?" Kyungsoo nods. Jongin asks, "Why?" Kyungsoo replies, "You've been hurt because of me." Jongin approaches Kyungsoo with a sharp gaze. It makes Kyungsoo step back in fear.

Kyungsoo keeps backing away until his back hits the whiteboard. Jongin puts his two hands on the whiteboard to cage Kyungsoo, then he studies Kyungsoo's face closely and says, "I thought you would lose all your memories when you fell asleep." Kyungsoo faces down to avoid Jongin's gaze, then he says, "I made a note to remind myself."

Jongin laughs and says, "If you can make a note for this kind of thing. you should make a note to avoid Baekhyun, Sehun and Chanyeol. What a fool." Kyungsoo replies without lifting his face, "They've never hurt me, so I don't need to make a note of them. But you, you're different, you've been hurt because of me. I feel responsible."

Jongin says coldly, "If you feel that way, then I'll let you take responsibility." Kyungsoo nods in fear. Jongin removes his hands from the whiteboard to free Kyungsoo, then he walks away while saying out loud, "Will happily wait for my lunch tomorrow!" Kyungsoo nods.

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