Chapter 11: Out

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Get ready for a chapter dump!

Bronze Colored Heart

Chapter 11


Delphina looked down at the civilians running around and sighed as if she loved the view so much. She leaned over putting her head in her hands.

"Isn't that a beautiful sound Roxburry?" She asked a pirate that walked by. He leaned over the railing and chuckled to himself.

"Look like ants don't they?" He asked no one in particular.

"Do you suppose we killed those ninja yet? We must have blown up three different hospitals." She asked him.

"What if they never came into ninjago city though Ma'em?" Another pirate asked looking around. "There are a few little towns too with hospitals."

"Perhaps, but none with the ability to help someone with that sort of wound." Delphine giggled and bit her pinky nail in fascination. "Looks like we'll just have to destroy them all." She said showing off her horribly cared for teeth.

"As you wish ma'am."

Echo watched as nurses raced this way and that the power had been turned off to the whole city after the power station had been blown up. Kate stood just behind him, and Zane behind her insuring the limping woman wasn't hurt in the rush. The went to the staircase and found that it was crowded by people evacuating. Word had gotten to them that hospitals had been their main target.

"They're looking for us aren't they?" Kate asked slightly afraid of the answer. Zane moved around another gurney.

"I am afraid they are looking for us. We did survive their little water game thanks to you two. But I'm afraid the only way to survive now is to defeat them."

"How are we going to do that?" Echo asked opening the door on the fifth floor. He and Zane seemed like they were winded by the run, but Kate was not only winded but her foot hurt again.

"That is what Lloyd will tell us once we get to the room."

"But what about Jay? We can't leave him here on his own." Kate said gasping as she was pushed against the wall by Zane who was knocked aside by a gurney.

"Brother." Echo raced back to help his brother from the floor.

"I'm alright." He said taking his brothers hand. Kate looked over him and narrowed her eyes.

" didn't have Borg fix you!"

This was news to Echo since Zane looked fine to him.

"You still have a few cracks that your hiding with your Gi!" She reached forward and pulled his Gi aside. Their were in fact a few more cracks that could be seen under her fingers. Echo looked at his brother and shook his head.

"Brother why didn't you ask Borg to fix you too?" He asked him, Zane shook his head with regret.

"I wanted you fixed first." He answered. "You matter more to me than myself." Echo wasn't too sure how to take this. He had never been cared for in such a way before.

"Zane..." He started only to feel the building sway from an explosion.

"Come on lets not worry about that now. We need to get to the others." Kate said and limped toward the room where Jay had been placed.

"Come on to the roof!" Lloyd yelled running past them. "Nya and Kai are already up there, we'll try to get them away from the city."

Cole was carrying Jay who was awake, but very pale still. Zane smiled down at the blue ninja who just smiled back.

"I was told to stay quiet." He said.

"Yeah a whole lot of good that's done." Cole said running up the stairs. Even carrying Jay wasn't much of an effort to him.

"How do you feel Jay?" Echo asked his friend. Jay smiled weakly at him and shook his head.

"Weak, and tired."

"You can rest when we get back on the Bounty." Cole told his friend in his arms. Kate smiled knowing he'd be okay with Cole. That man had a lot of love for his friends, even if they did get on his nerves a lot.

Kate looked around them as they ran. A few days ago she was alone dying on a sinking ship, two days ago she was accepting a job on another island, and four days ago she was quitting her job with her father. She honestly thought that would have been it. She never planned to do anything except the boring history she had learned to do in college. Today as explosions shook the ground around her she was surrounded by people she would honestly except as her friends. She barely even knew them and their was one running up stairs with her hand in his. He wasn't even human, and she didn't want to be anywhere else even if her life was in danger. She wanted nothing else but to be there with them.

Kai stood at the top of the stairs yelling for them to hurry. The Bounty sat on the top with a tarp over it. Nya looked back over toward the others and waved to them.

"Come on we need to hurry or they'll catch us. They've already started shooting at us trying to get us to show ourselves."

"How come they can't see us? That's a pretty bright tarp."

"Its one of Borgs tarps. It masks us to cameras kind of like a green screen." Nya said pushing a button watching the Tarp get pulled into the boat. Kate was amazed at such a notion that something like that could exist. She was impressed.

"Strap Jay in and lets get going." Kai said throwing a seat belt to Kate who latched it and pulled it tightly. Echo put a blanket over Jay and reclined his seat a little.

"You comfortable enough." Nya asked putting her hand on his flushed cheek. He nodded his head and leaned into her hand.

Lloyd had his hand on the wheel and Zane pushed the button. The ship took off into the air and flew deeper into Ninjago.

"Where are we going Lloyd?"

"There's a jungle my dad took us to when the overlord was trying to get to me."

"Oh you mean the one they found you in?"

"Well yeah, but it's thick, and easy to hide. It's all we got unless you got a better idea." Lloyd said looking around. No one had any other answers.

"But said no one got out alive...what if we'd..." Kai said afraid for them.

"Your talking to someone who got out alive Kai." Lloyd laughed and felt the ship rock this way and that.

"Are they following us?" Lloyd called to the bottom deck.

"Looks like it." Cole yelled. "Eight ships are heading our way Lloyd and there's one right on our tail."

"Recommend evasive maneuvering." Zane yelled from the back. They had made it to the tree line next to the ocean. Trying to make it look like they were going to go back out to sea. Just as soon as the ship made it within firing range they changed direction and headed into the canyons. Their ship was easily more maneuverable than theirs had. Finally the Bounty broke free of the cavern into the jungle lining the ocean again. This was the jungle Lloyd had talked about.

But try as they might. Delphine's ship waited for them, having been in this area before themselves. The ship fired on the Bounty and the ship crashed into the treeline.

Delphine smiled at her triumph, she watched the Bounty hit the trees and disappear from view through the canopy.

"Go collect the bodies and kill any of them you find. But I want their bodies. I want to show Ninjago that their heroes are no more." Delphine called through the radio to all her ships.

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