Chapter Seventeen

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*Haylie's POV*

I woke up in what felt like a bed. I couldn't tell though, because when I tried to open my eyes I couldn't. I could move my arms either, I couldn't move my legs. The only thing I could do was breathe.

I was taken out of my thoughts when I heard a voice.

"I blame myself." It whispered. I couldn't tell who it was. "It's all my fault."

There was a silence before a voice I recognized spoke. "I can't go through another coma." Harry said.

Coma? I was in a coma. They must've been talking about someone else. I had to be dreaming. I could feel my self panicking, but I couldn't wake up.

"It's my fault really. If I would've never gotten into the argument with her earlier. I just..." Claire started to cry, more like break down. All I heard were sobs coming from her.

"What did you even say to her?" Harry said. I was suprised he wasn't trying to comfort her or tell her it wasn't her fault. Maybe he agreed with her. I mean, he was always really protective over me. He even spoiled me too. He always treated me like a daughter instead of a niece.

"I was going on about her clothes. I should've just left her alone, I-"

"Yeah, you should've." Harry said. I felt someone's hand on my head, stroking my hair. "If you would've just left her alone. Just this one time. It was her birthday, you know today's always been a hard day for her. Why couldn't you have just let her be?"

"I know, I know I'm sorry, I-"

"I don't think you are. I think you meant to do this. I think you've been planning this since Bailie was in a coma. That's why you kissed Niall and that why you came back all these years!" He said, slightly raising his voice.

"No! I wouldn't want that! I wouldn't want this to happen! I wouldnt!"

They continued to argue back and forth and all I wanted was for it to stop. I know I was wrong. I know I wear some things I shouldn't. I know that Claire doesn't argree with my clothing. I knew putting it on was gonna make her mad.

I was starting to feel guilty. I've been making her life a living hell for the last four years and all I wanted to do was apologize. I felt the tears build up in my eyes and I swear I was gonna cry. This is what my mom must have felt like. This is what she went through everyday for five months. This is the worst type of punishment. I could feel all the emotions building up inside.

"You wanted this to happen!" Harry shouted at her.

When he shouted it scared me. Scared me right out of my coma. My eyes popped open and I gasped for air.

They stopped shouting. I sat up and ignored the intense pain that shot through my back. I was immediately swallowed into a hug. Harry wrapped his arms around me and I felt his body shaking, he was crying.

"God, I though you weren't gonna wake up." He said into my hair. "I don't know what I would've done if you would have died too."

"You guys have to stop," I said. "Stop fighting,"

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He whispered.

"Apologize to her," I said.

He slowly let go of me and looked at Claire. "I'm sorry, I was just... I was just in shock. I'm not good with dealing with this stuff... It's hard. I don't know what I was thinking, I'm sorry," He looked at Claire. He really did look sorry.

She just crossed her arms and wiped her eyes. "I don't... I don't know if I can forgive you for accusing me of trying to kill Haylie." She shook her head. "That's not okay Harry,"

I couldn't believe she was saying that. All she had to do was forgive him. I actually wanted to apologize to her, but not anymore.

"I didn't mean that apology anyway. I only did it because Haylie wanted me to." He shook his head. "You know, I have no idea why Niall married you. How can he go from someone like Bailie, to you. It's ridiculous. You know what, as soon as Haylie gets better," He looked at me. "As soon as you get better, we're leaving."

"You're not taking her anywhere!" Claire shouted.

"You're not my mom!" I shouted at her. When I raised my voice it sent my head spinning.

"You can't even make good enough desicions to stay alive Haylie! Look at you!" She walked to the end of my bed. "You can't even walk!" She ripped back my covers and I had a cast coming all the way from my ankle to my thigh. My hands flew to my mouth.

I didn't know my leg was broken. I couldn't even feel the cast on my leg. I couldn't feel my legs at all, neither of them.

"And you may not ever again." She added.

"You don't have to be such a bitch," Harry snatched the covers from her.

I started hyperventilating and crying. I put my face in my hands. I couldn't even talk. Even if I could I wouldn't know what to say. I was... I was paralized.

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