Chapter Two

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I woke up the next day alone in bed. I turned over and saw a note on Niall's pillow. I grabbed the note, it read: Dear B, sorry about last night. Come into the kitchen. I've got a surprise. The note made me smile. I was still a bit angry at him, but it was stuff like this that reminded me why I loved him and agreed to marry  him in the first place.

Yeah, sure, we were only twenty five, but we both knew what we wanted. I jumped out of the bed, brushed my teeth, then headed to the kitchen. I could hear him singning and I could hear the sizzle of the food on the stove.

"Good morning," I said, leaning on the door frame in the kitchen. He turned around and smiled at me. He put the spatula down and walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist squeezing me tight. "Babe, not so tight," I said, sliding a hand protectively over my stomach.

"What's wrong? He said pulling back to look at me.

I opened my mouth to tell him, but them I shut it. Because he couldn't know, just yet. "I uhm, think I ate bad food last night. I just feel a little queasy." I lied.

"Okay babe," He frowned. "So are you gonna be able to eat the pancakes I made for you?"

"Oh, yeah," I nodded. "Definitely." I smiled at him. 

He smiled back, then kissed me on the lips. "I love you okay, and I'm sorry about last night."

I nodded. "I love you too and I forgive you." I kissed him again. 

He pulled away quickly from the kiss. "My pancakes!" He said. I laughed at him and he ran over to take his pancakes off the stove just in time.

I walked back down the hall and to the bathroom. I shut the door behind me and looked in the mirror. 

I was young, in shape and healthy. But that wasn't gonna last long though. Especially with what I was dealing with now. I turned to the side and raised my shirt up. I stared at my belly button. Any day now I'd be showing. It's been three months. I definitely knew I was pregnant. I definitely knew.

I pushed my shirt back down quickly, splashed some water on my face, then walked back into the kitchen. Niall had our plates ready one the table. He was sitting there waiting for me. "You okay?" He asked.

I sat down at the table and nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine." I smiled at him and we started to eat.


Niall and I were sitting curled up together on the couch after breakfast. We were watching Skins under a blanket. His arm was around me and my head was on his chest. "I've been thinking about what you were saying last night. About how I do that every time I get drunk." He paused. "I know it's wrong, but you know what they say. The truth comes out when you're drunk."

"Yeah, but Niall that's no excuse. You can't just call her out like that in front of everyone. The rest of the boys, their girlfriends and wives, even Simon was there with his wife. Like, how rare is it that Simon comes out with us. You just can't do stuff like that." I said. This time my moods weren't rampaging and I was calm.

"I know. I wish I felt terrible, but I don't she's a horrible person. You'd think Harry would have better judgement out of all the years, but no." He sighed deeply. "Maybe you could talk to her."

I immediately sat up. "No."

"You didn't even think about it! Have a girls day with her and maybe bring along Dani." He shrugged.

I wasn't gonna do it. Claire is an awful stuck up brat and I refused to be around her if I didn't have to. Her attitude was terrible and she thought she was better than everyone else. I couldn't deal with her. No one liked her. Not Zayn, not Perrie, not Louis, not Eleanor, not Danielle and not even Liam and he liked everyone. I mean, he didn't admit to not liking her, but I knew that he didn't. The only who didn't see her as who she really was, was Harry. It was like he was blind or something. I've never met someone so fucking oblivious.

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