Chapter Five

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*Didn't notice this one was so short. But it's really good.*

That day Niall took me out and bought me a new dress for the dinner tonight. Later that night we called up all the boys and invited them to this fancy restaurant in town. 

I was running around my room fixing my hair and make up and looking for my shoes and adjusting my dress, while Niall was sitting on the edge of the bed laughing. "What the hell is so funny?" I asked him.

"Nothing. Is there anything I can help you with?" He asked, standing.

I slid on my heels and stood. "Now that I'm done running about like a crazy woman. Now is when you wanna ask to help me?" I rolled my eyes and huffed over to the dresser. "Just go start the car." I said handing him the keys. He crinkled his brows at he and I realized I was doing it again. "Oh babe, sorry. Mood swings, they just hit me so quick." I kissed him on the cheek, then shoo'ed him out of the door. "Go start the car, I'm coming."

He nodded and walked out of the door. He was just so cute, he literally made my heart melt when he looked at me like that. I hadn't meant to snap on him. It was truly an accident.

I grabbed my vans out of the closet incase my feet started to hurt. These heels were new and super high. I walked to the mirror and looked at my self once more before leaving. The dress was a deep purple and was 75% spandex. My favorite part was that when I turned sideways you could see my baby bump. I grabbed a black half jacket out of my closet then raced outside. 

I got into the passenger seat and he pulled off. "You look so beautiful tonight." He said.

"Thanks Niall." He reached out and took my hand. "Tonight's our night." I said. I looked over at him and he glanced at me, then back at the road. 

"How do you think they're gonna react?" He asked me. I could hear the nervousness in his voice.

"Awh, babe don't be nervous. They're gonna be so happy for us. I can't wait to see the look on their faces." I said. 

Niall pulled up to a stop light. He looked over at me. "I'm so excited for this. For us. For our life together. I know we're young, but I believe in us so much." I started to get all teary eyed. "I believe in you and I believe in this baby."

"Thanks Niall, that means so much, I just-" All of a sudden Niall jammed the car in park and grabbed my hand tight. Before I could even ask what he was doing or even look at his face, I felt a jolt. And by jolt, I mean my whole world moved. Everything was black, but I felt the motion. Then I felt it violently stop. My body jerked and my head hit something, I think it was the window because I felt something crack. I tried to open my eyes, but everything was red. I lifted my arms up and wiped my face the best I could. I tried to open my eyes again, but my vision was still blurry. 

I tried to sit up but my seatbelt was jammed. It was then that I realized we'd been hit. I could smell gas and smoke. I tried to find the button to my seatbelt but all there was, was metal. All broken and bent.

I looked over at the drivers seat and it was empty. I place of the seat was a tree. We'd hit a tree. But where was Niall? "Niall!" I choked out. I started to squirm and panic and that was when I realized a burning sensation in my leg. 

I started to cry because it was then and there I realized I was gonna die. My head started to ache and the blood was blurring my vision again. I felt a cool breeze on the top of my head and I immediately imagine the worst. I swear I thought my brain was showing. 

"Niall!" I tried to scream out again. I got nothing in reply. 

That was the scariest part. The silence. All I heard was the hissing of liquids pouring out of hot engines and the wind blowing. I just shut my eyes because there was so much blood flowing over my face my arms started to tire from wiping over and over again. I started to drift in and out of what I'm gonna call conciousness.

The last thing I remember was touching the ring that was still on my left hand. The one Niall gave me.

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