Chapter Ten.

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*Warning you, it's a bit sad. I cried while writing it. Yeah, uhm, listen to Same Mistakes or Torn while you read it and that'll deff get a tear or two out of you lol. Ok, ennjooooyy. Btw, I didn't go over it and fix any errors so if you find one, comment and tell me. Sorry!*

I 'woke up' the next morning in the middle of an intense conversation. "I can't believe this." Harry said. "Claire wouldn't."

"But she did." Niall said. "I wouldn't lie to you. She came right over here where I'm standing and kissed me." He fell quiet for a while and I began to feel someone stroke my hair. "Bailie probably heard the whole thing. If she would only wake up, she could tell you."

I felt so bad for Harry. It had really seemed like he'd gotten over me and fallen in love with Claire. From what I'd been hearing, she really had changed. I hadn't heard one bitchy remark come from her, apart from when her and Harry would argue. But what couple didn't argue? But then again, she did kiss my fiancee so I guess she hadn't changed that much.

"I just thought... I thought she loved me and we were happy together." He sounded so let down. He needed me. I was his best friend and he needed me. But I couldn't even be there for him because my stupid fucking brain didn't want to work. I really wanted someone to just hit me or something, to see if that would wake me up. I wanted the doctors to give me an adrenaline shot or something, maybe that would wake me up.

"I'm really sorry," Niall apologized to him. "Look, if it makes it any better, I didn't kiss her back... I still love Bailie... and I know she still loves me too."

I could hear Harry taking shaky breathes. I knew he was crying. This was really the saddest part of being in this coma. Hearing the people around me go through so much pain and not being able to comfort them or tell them it's get better some day or even tell them that I understand. 

"I'm not mad at you Niall," Harry said. "Let's just... let's just sing to her."

"What song?" Niall asked.

"Same Mistakes." He said. I think Niall nodded because Harry started. "Circles, we're going in circles..." I heard him sniffle. "Dizzy's all it makes us..." I could hear the tears in his voice and I could feel them falling onto my hand. "We know here it takes us... we've been... before..." Finally, he stopped and broke down. I could hear his sobs and I felt Niall walk around the bed and hug him. They stood there in a silent embrace for a long time. All I could hear was Harry crying. I couldn't help but wonder why he was crying so hard. I wondered if he'd really fallen that hard for Claire, or was it something else?

It was long before I heard Niall crying too. There stood my two favorite men, singing my favorite song, crying together. It wasn't long before I started to cry too. 

When they let go of each other, I felt Harry take my hand again. "Niall, I'm sorry for what I'm about to say," I felt my heart speed up. I knew the line had to be jumping on the monitor. "But, I can't stay here anymore. I have to leave London." A huge wave of relief hit me. I thought he was gonna tell Niall about how he used  to be in love with me. Even though that wasn't what he was saying, this was still a shocker.

"What? Why? You can't just leave, she could wake up any day," Niall said. I could hear the shock in his voice.

"Niall get real! She's not waking up anytime soon!" Harry said. His words cut deep. They hurt. He didn't believe in me anymore. "I can't just stay here and watch her suffer!" He said. His tone had gotten loud, it had startled me a bit. "It's depressing and I just... I can't stand to see her like this anymore. I can't do it Niall. Maybe one day, you'll forgive me... maybe one day she'll even forgive me. But I can't stay."

"Harry, she's coming back to us okay, just give it a few more weeks," Niall said. He practically begging Harry to stay.

"No," Harry replied in a stern voice. I felt a light kiss on my forehead, then he let go of my hand and walked out of the door.

"Damn," I heard Niall say. He paced the room quietly for a while. 

It hurt that Harry would just leave me like this. We were best friends, or so I thought. What if I did wake up? What if I woke up tomorrow? 

Niall walked back over to my bed. "Bailie, I'll never leave you. Even if you don't wake up ever, I'll still be here, and so will our baby. I have faith in you Bailie, you'll wake up soon. I know it." I felt him kiss me lightly on my cheek and it warmed my heart.

I was still feeling broken from Harry leaving me like that, but Niall was making it better.


Five months. I've been in this coma for five whole months. I was starting to get the same feeling Harry had two months ago when he left me. I was feeling like I'd never wake up. Harry hadn't been back since that night. I also hadn't heard from Claire since the day she kissed Niall. But I wasn't complaining about that.

I hadn't heard from Perrie either. She had a tour to attend to. She did tell me good bye though. 

"I'm leaving Bailie." She said. "Little Mix starts touring in three days. I'm coming back though. Don't have that baby without me." She kissed me on the forehead then she was gone.

The baby. It was getting big. It was huge and every time I thought about it, I'd cry a little bit. Every time it would kick, I would cry, but not because it hurt, but because I couldn't really expierience it. 

The nurses who took care of me felt for me. When the baby would move and kick, they would move my hands to the spot, so I could feel it too. I was so thankful for that. Sometimes, they'd come in and talk to me. They'd shed a few tears every now and then. 

One of the nurses, Betty, she'd become my favorite. She called me Rapunzel when no one was around because my hair had gotten so long. I guess that's what five months without cutting it does.


It'd been eight months and twenty seven days since I first found out I was pregnant. I'd been counting. I didn't have anything else to do, why not?

I'd been 'awake' for a while now, just sitting there. I was alone in the room. I started to feel my baby kick again. It hurt. But it was normal. I didn't think to much of it until I got a cramping feeling.

I think it was a contraction. A few days ago the doctor explained what it'd feel like and how urgent it was for me to wake up if I felt one.

I kept feeling them all over where my baby was. At first they went away and would come back a few minutes later, but as time progressed, the contractions were getting stronger and closer together. 

I could feel myself starting to sweat. I knew my baby was coming. I'd never felt such urgency to wake up in my whole five months of coma. I felt my baby turning inside of me, getting ready to come out. It scared me so bad. 

I'd never tried so hard in the whole five months of being comatose to wake up. The pains were spreading to my back and thighs and the sweat was trickling down my neck. I struggled to wake up for what seemed like two hours until finally, my eyes popped open.

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