Chapter Thirteen

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Harry and I drove over to Eleanor and Louis' house. We were standing outside of the door about to knock when I looked over at him. He looked nervous. I could understand why, I mean, he disappeared for three whole years and didn't call or text anyone.

"It's okay Harry, no one's mad at you." I assured him.

He shook his head, then I knocked on the door. A few seconds later, Eleanor came to the door. Her hand flew up to her mouth, then darted to Harry and wrapped her arms around him. "I can't believe you're back." I heard her say softly. "I missed you Harry, we all missed you."

He hugged her back and I could see that he felt bad. He should. There was one point where we thought he'd died. 

When they finished hugging, El lead us into the house where Louis was sitting on the floor playing with Haylie. They both looked up at us. Louis looked like he'd been frozen. Haylie jumped up and ran over to him. 

"Harry's not gone!" She shouted. She held her arms up for him to pick her up and he did. She wrapped her little arms around his neck and held onto him as if any second he might disappear again. She was smart.

I looked at Harry. His eyes were closed while he was hugging her back, but a tear had already escaped and was rolling down his cheek. My own were a bit wet looking at them.

When she pulled away from the hug, she looked at him and put her hand in his hair. "Daddy said you were gone."

"I was, for a while." He said. "But I'm back now."

"Are you staying?" She asked him. 

"I have to stay now," He said. He smiled at her.

"Good!" She shouted putting her hands in the air. We all laughed at her cuteness. "Oh! Daddy, the picture!"

"What picure sweetie?" I said.

"The picture of mama and Harry!"

"Oh," I said remembering the picture. I walked over to where her baby bag was and reached in the pockets. There was a picture of Harry and Bailie at the beach, from years ago. I took the picture out and looked at it. "Haylie found this back when she was two and hasn't let it go since. She insists it goes everywhere she goes." I brought the picture back over and handed it to Haylie.

She held it up for Harry to see. "You know mama?" She asked him.

"Yup," He answered her.

"Tell me about her," She said.

He looked over at me as to ask me for permission. I nodded. "She likes when people talk about her. She always says she wants to be just like her."

Harry looked back at Haylie. "Alright," We all sat down and he Haylie in his lap. "What do you wanna know?"

"Everything," She said.

We all chuckled at her. "Okay," Harry nodded. "I remember, your mom had this, really long brown hair, exactly like yours," Haylie smiled big and nodded for him to continue. "I remember her always being just slightly taller than Niall," He looked over at me and I shook my head and smiled. El and Louis laughed. "When she wore heels she was like a sky scraper,"

"I wanna be tall like mama!" Haylie shouted, clapping.

"You just might be. Maybe you'll be taller than your dad some day." Harry laughed.


*Haylie's POV*

"Wow, I still can't believe Uncle Haz just disappeared like that," I said. Dad was telling me about the day Harry came back. I've heard the story a billion times, but I feel like every time I heard it, it meant more than it did the last time I heard it. 

"I still can't believe it's been ten years since that day." Dad said. "It makes me feel so old." He laughed.

"You're only thirty eight." I laughed. "I have friends with dad's in their fifties!"

"Well-" He was interrupted by the door bell. 

"I'll get it," I said. I walked to the door and looked out of the window. Standing at the door was some short blonde woman who looked like she could be my dad's age. I opened the door and smiled. "Hi,"

She smiled back at me. "Hi, you must be Haylie." She said. I would've been creeped out by her knowing my name, but my mom's death was pretty publicized and my dad's Niall Horan. People know my name. "I'm Claire." 

"The Claire?" I asked. I'd always heard stories of a woman named Claire but I'd never met her. She didn't disappear like Uncle Harry had, but she stopped talking to everyone.

She chuckled. "I guess so."

"I've heard stories about you." I said, nodding. 

"Good ones or bad one?"

I laughed. "Eh, both." She laughed too. Her laugh was... unique.

"Haylie who's at the..." My dad came up behind me. "Claire." He said. 

"All these years in London, and your accent still hasn't faded." Claire said sweetly.

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