Chapter Eighteen

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"Claire, you need to leave." Harry said.

"I was only-"

"Go!" I shouted. My head was pounding. My heart was beating at an unsteady rate. Claire left the room and slammed the door behind her.

"Haylie, relax." Harry stepped over to my bedside. He took one of my hands in his. "Haylie breathe it's okay." I looked at him and he wiped one of my tears away.

"What if I never walk again?" I asked him in a panicky voice.

He smiled at me. "Doesn't matter, I'll still take you with me."

I stopped crying, but I was still hyperventilating and fanning my face. "You know, sometimes I wish you were my dad."

"I wanted to be," He said. The comment took me off guard. He told me how he loved my mom, but he didn't like talking about it.

"I love you Uncle Harry." I reached out and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek ."You're the closest thing I've had to a dad lately. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"I love you too Haylie," He said. He rubbed my back as we hugged. "I'm gonna get you out of this hospital. We're gonna leave. I promise. Your dad's too blind to see what Claire's doing. She's ripping you two apart."

"Haylie you're awake,"

We let go of each other and my dad was standing by the door. His eyes were bloodshot red and he looked so pale.

I nodded. "But shouldn't you be out chasing Claire?"

"What? What are you talking about?" He stepped up to the end of my bed.

"She's such a fucking drama queen." I said.

"Watch your mouth. Don't talk about her that way," My dad said. I was enraged. He was defending her, meanwhile, I'd just woken up out of a fucking coma.

"Niall how could you defend her when your own daughter just woke up out of a coma? Can't you sticking up for her for one second, and see how she's benefited nobody's life by being here?" Harry said coming to my defense.

"You're being irrational Harry. You're acting just like a child!"

Now instead of Harry and Claire, it was Harry and my dad. I was still on Harry's side.

"I can't with you guys right now, I'm going to get the doctor." My dad looked at me. "You shouldn't be hearing any of this. "

"Even if I hadn't woken up, I would've still heard." I mumbled.

"What?" My dad said.

"I could hear," I said.

"You could what?"

"She could hear us," Harry said.


"Wake up Haylie." I felt someone poking my shoulder.

"What?" I said without opening my eyes.

"Get up, today's the day."

I've been waiting to hear those words for the longest time, but I didn't think they'd be here so early. I opened my eyes and sat up. My uncle Harry was sitting at the end of my bed with a goofy grin on his face.

"Your bags packed?" He asked.

I looked around my room. It was completely dark. "What? Why're we leaving so early?" I rubbed my eyes.

"So we don't get caught! Duh!" He said half whispering.

"Okay," I rubbed my eyes and slid out of bed. I stood up and frowned. I felt my muscles quiver a little bit. "Wait, are you sure we should go this month? We can leave next month when my physical therapy is over. I still feel weak."

Harry stood and put his hands on my shoulders. "Haylie, I believe in you." He pulled me in for a hug and kissed me on the forehead. "We can do this. I've got a private jet waiting for us. It takes off in thirty minutes to Brazil. This it it Haylie."

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