Chapter 44: New Bitch

Start from the beginning

"It seems our invitation never made it to us," Emre said, his expression as cold as the ice he controlled. "Fortunately for you, Renora and I happened to see everyone leaving."

The two sat and Norah shot a fox-quick glance at her family for their reactions. Holland scowled while Evra side-eyed them, a shadow of hatred curling the corners of her lips.

Renora and Emre took in the radiating silence and admired the game between her and Cedric with hungry eyes.

"Interesting that fugitives are calling council meeting," Cedric said coolly.

Victory rushed through her, bright and sweet. "You say 'fugitive,' I say, 'freeing myself from wrongful imprisonment.'"

Cedric's lips quirked and it's the closest thing to a sneer he would allow with so many powerful people around him. "I'll send Holland the bill."

Holland opened his mouth, but his mother was faster. Evra smiled politely at the goddess, her glossy, black hair as dark as her long-sleeved dress. "I'm sorry, I don't believe we've met."

"Not in person," Vaella stated. "Though I have watched your bloodline for some time."

Norah smiled as another bomb of silence fell, holding every councilman and woman's gaze. Including Renora and Emre.

"This is Vaella," she said confidently. "Goddess of Justice, Harbinger of Truth, and Walker of Realms. I'm surprised you don't know her."

She met the eyes of Cedric's flight army General, Ingren. The long, jagged scar at his ear crossing down to his lip was taut. But not with anger--awe. Respect.

He had been the kindest to her of anyone in Cedric's circle--besides Holland--Ingren was polite, respecting her. But she'd suspected most of it was due to his belief in the gods.

A scoff, deep and scratchy broke free.

"Miss. Crimson, do you truly believe me a fool to not recognize an illusion when I see one," Peng sneered. He dipped his tan chin at her, leveling a cold, condescending glare upon her.

Norah's smile sharpened. He'd only taught her a few runes, and it was only so he could win more of her parent's favor and learn their weaknesses.

"I don't know," Norah drawled. "I thought you would be smart enough to find it credible, but since you won't even acknowledge a goddess when she's standing right in front of you." She winced, showing teeth. "I might have to rethink that."

Easton inhaled, lips parting with hesitation. "We're already fighting one god, seeing another one isn't a stretch."

Even Renora's expression shifted from her carefully blank expression to curl her lips at him. "They're tales, boy."

Peng scoffed, dark eyes scanning Vaella--searching for the trick. "No living thing can be so still."

Norah waved a lazy hand in the air. The nails she'd gotten with Nevaeha, the same color as her white dress, glinted like blades. They'd been filed into sharp points.

"By all means," she challenged. "Disprove it."

One of the commoner leaders, Grenn looked between Peng and Vaella, his pale brows furrowing, his mouth turned down. "I advise against this. I don't feel an illusion, only power."

Norah had sealed her darkness down to ensure that.

But Peng was not deterred, already creating another rune while Vaella stared impassively. And one look at Renora and Emre with their sharp, hungry eyes said nothing. They only waited for him to build his grave deeper or prove himself, which in turn would support them.

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