054 "Gorgeous Night."

Start from the beginning

"Not until you bow to your princess." Tenny demanded and lifted his chin up high in a snobby way.

"Kinky." Akemi coughed out.

Shinoya and I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. Gon on the other hand was confused about how to react.

"Dammit Akemi! You ruin all my jokes!" Tenny complained.

"Are they jokes or a way for you to come out?" She replied with a smirk.

Tenny said nothing a got up, he went to go put on his princess dress.

"You upsetted the princess," Killua commented and stood up, "Well I'm off. I'll see you guys soon!"

Killua waved as he left, Shinoya followed behind him.

"What now?" Akemi asked me and Gon, she scooted closer to Gon

"Well-" Gon tried to speak.

"Excuse me, can the king please come behind the stage? He needs to be on set soon." A backstage staff member said in a stern voice.

"Oh I'll be right there!" Gon exclaimed.

He sat up on to his two legs and waved to Akemi and I.

"Bye-bye!" He said.

"Bye-bye!" Akemi replied with a smile.

Minutes passed and the sound of the audience applause was heard, "Do you think Ms.Tayana found out?" Akemi asked me in concern.

I hadn't thought about that for sometime now. I held my knees close to my chest, every now and then I glanced around the room.

One of the doors opened and Tenny's head poked through. Akemi and I quickly got up and rushed over.

"Shinoya told me that we don't need a voice changer or anything, we're just going to switch outfits." Tenny started to say in a whispering voice, "Do you remember the final lines?"

"Yeah I do." I said confidently, Tenny motioned his hand to follow him.

Akemi and I followed him to the women and men's restroom. I was the only one who still had my regular clothes underneath my costume, I slipped off the bird suit and gave it to Tenny.

"I'm gonna change into it and hand you the dress, ok?" He said as he entered the bathroom.

"Ok." I said and the two of us waited for him.

It was a quick process, I rushed to get backstage and met up with Killua behind set.

"Hey, are you ready?" Killua asked me.

I nodded and smiled nervously.

'Is this all gonna really work out?'

I got up on stage at the right time, I hadn't looked at the audience in a while. Everyone was staring at me and Killua.

'Is this what Tenny had to deal with? They look like they're judging me. Do they know?'

My palms were sweating a little, I took a deep breathe and said my lines. Killua was on stage with me and smiled brightly, I could tell that the only person I needed to look at was him.

The kiss scene was at the very end of the play, it went smoothly and quickly. Killua had held me close and swooped down to kiss me. I didn't know how to feel at that moment, especially infront of many people.

The music changed and everyone backstage came on set to bow down and the audience cheered.

Theater is terrifying and terrific at the same time, forgetting your lines, improvising, hideous makeup, beautiful  costumes, snobby people, nice people. It's all a mix of everything.

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