Namjoon stopped making the angry face and bowed to the camera.

"Jin's right (Y/N), I'm only upset because I could have used someone like you helping us out weeks ago. With Kook still in service we're getting less attention from HYBE while they focus on that new group," said Namjoon.

"KAPPA," you whispered under your breath and Joon must have heard because he nodded.

"We used to each have someone like Sung-Jin, but with us being on hiatus the company reassigned everyone. We have assistants, but anyone associated with HYBE is focused on the new groups, not us right now," said Joon and you made a face.

"That's the stupidest shit I've ever heard," you muttered and Yoongi laughed. You turned back to the camera and spoke to Joon directly.

"I absolutely don't mind continuing to assist you, all of you," and your eyes wandered across the screens to meet everyone's eyes. "As an ARMY I want your comeback to be as successful as everything else you've ever done, but as Yoongi's," and here your confidence floundered a bit before Yoongi poked you and you gave in, "as Yoongi's girlfriend and now that I've met you all it's even more important to me that this goes well for you all. To best honest, it seems wildly bizarre that HYBE isn't focusing on you, when you're still their main money maker. I mean you guys have your own category in the GDP of South Korea for heaven's sakes, that should mean something." You paused to check you hadn't overstepped.

Yoongi was looking at you thoughtfully, but the rest of the boys were nodding, so you spoke again a little more confidently.

"Namjoon, if you're willing, I would be happy to work with you directly instead of you sending everything to Yoongi's inbox and it getting lost for weeks. Same goes for anyone else who has this kind of information, or wants it. We can set up a time to meet daily, I'm already doing that with Yoongi's Sung-Jin and would be happy to help anywhere else I can." You took a deep breath and looked at Yoongi and he simply leaned over and gave you one of his wonderful soft slow kisses.

The chorus of Awww's this time was even louder, and you realized Hoseok and Jin had gotten in on it this time. You pulled away blushing and Yoongi leaned towards the camera.

"Naekkeonikka manjijima," he said, and you whacked him on the shoulder after your brain worked through his words. However, the boys all cracked up at your reaction and you were happy to lean back into Yoongi's hug. As much as they called each other co-workers, this was definitely a family atmosphere, and you were amazed and delighted to have somehow been made a part of it.

Joon agreed to your comment about a daily meeting and Jimin offered to forward your contact information from what you'd sent him before and you nodded your agreement. There was a pause in conversation, and you decided to be brave again.

"Jimin and Tae if you want to bring your work laptops when you come over, please feel free to do so and I would be happy to help you set them up and Hoseok, Jin and Namjoon, I would be happy to send you the filters and program I ran on Yoongi's emails if that would help out," you ask.

Jimin immediately made happy doe eyes at your offer, and you giggled at the look on his face.

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