The Very Angry And Bossy Elf And His Little Sister

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I shivered as we landed in the Arctic. There was nothing for miles except snow and ice.

"Is this okay dad?"

"No its not okay!" Dad shouted.

He whipped around and looked at the reindeer.

"Does this look like home to you guys?"

Suddenly, the reindeer detached themselves. They all took off as dad yelled for them.

"Great." I said. "Now we're stuck here."

I heard footsteps and a small childlike person appeared.

"Hey, hey! Hey, buddy! You sir! Hey."

The person ignored dad and reached down into the snow. He pulled something out and began typing something on a key pad that came out of the pole.

"What's that?"

"The North Pole." Charlie said.

"Oh of course it is."

"Hey buddy, we need some help! Hello! What are you doing?"

Suddenly we began lowering and I let out a pathetic whimper. I normally was able to at least look strong but tonight, I was about to piss my pants.

When we finally stopped I looked around and saw a big group of.......children? I looked around as they all smiled up at dad. Two of the kids caught my eye however. The first was a boy with curly black hair. He was taller then the rest and, I will admit he was cute.

The other one was a smaller brown haired girl with pointy ears like the boy. She had soft brown eyes and was standing right next to the boy. The boy had a hard grip on her shoulder as if to keep her in place.

The girl looked up at me and smiled. The boy followed her gaze and landed on me he didn't smile at me, he just gave me a glare. I glared back and turned back to dad who had already hopped off the sleigh.

"Allie watch Charlie and stay on the sleigh!"

I nodded slightly as I turned and made sure Charlie didn't leave. I had turned and looked around at the place we were in when I felt the sleigh shift a little bit.

"Charlie!" I exclaimed. "Dad said not to!"

"I'm hungry! And thirsty!"

"I don't care! Charles Calvin get back here!" I called.

Charlie ignored me as I grumbled before rushing after him.

"Can I get you a drink?"


"I'm thirsty! And hungry!"


Dad and the two elves turned towards us as we stood beside dad.

"Who's this?" The boy asked.

"This is my daughter Allie and my son Charlie. I'm sorry kids this is...."


"Coco." The girl smiled.

"Bernard and Coco."

"Hi Bernard." Charlie said holding his hand out.

"Hiya sport!"

"Hey dad, he called me sport just like you!"


"Hey, you know what? I got something for you. Okay, now hold out your hand, all right?" Bernard opened his satchel and pulled out a big snow globe. "Now, be very careful. This is very old, just like me."

He handed it to Charlie who stared in awe. I shook my head, my curls bouncing.

"Shake it up Charlie."


"Why don't you hold onto it for me for a while? It might come in handy."

"Thanks. Thanks a lot. I promise I'll take good care of it!"

"Make sure you do."

"I will. Hey dad look!"

I felt a tug on my sweater sleeve and I looked down and saw the little girl, Coco.

"I'm Coco." She smiled.

"Allie." I mumbled.

"You look cold." She told me.

Now that she said it, I was pretty cold. I shivered but I tried to hid it. The boy had walked back over and smiled at Coco.

"So Barnabas," I began.


"Bernard," I corrected. "What's so special about the snow globe you gave Charlie?"

"Its magical."

"Sure." I snorted.

"It is!"

I merely shook my head.

"You don't believe in magic?" Coco asked.

I stopped as I tried to think up an answer.

"Well.......I, uh,"

"You either do or you don't." Bernard snapped.

"Fine! I don't. This is all probably just a horrible dream anyway." I snapped back.

I walked back over to dad and Charlie as I heard Bernard growl under his breath.

"Calm down Bernie." I heard Coco mumble.

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