Down Through The Chimney With Good Saint Nick

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I was nearly in tears by the time we landed on the first house. 

"Well we made good time. Now what do we do?"

"You get the bag of toys!"

"And do what?"

"Go down the chimney!"

"Down the chimney?" Dad asked. "You want me to take the toys down the chimney into a strange house in my underwear?"

"No, you gotta put the suit on first!"

"Do you realize how stupid you sound Charlie?" I snapped at him. "You want dad to put on some phony suit? And what? Break and enter someone's house? He'll go to jail if he gets caught!"

"I'm not stupid! And its not a phony suit! Santa's real!" Charlie yelled.

"He is not! Santa's fake! Its about time you grew up Charlie!" I shouted back.

"Allie!" Dad cut in.

I huffed and turned my back in the sleigh as Dad climbed out. I ignored them until Dad had floated over the chimney.

"What did you do?" I asked Charlie.


"Yeah right! You told dad to put on the phony suit and now he floated down the chimney!"

"Its the magic!"

"Magic isn't real and neither is Santa!" I shouted. 

Charlie stopped and looked at me with tear filled eyes.

"I thought you were excited for Christmas?" Charlie asked.

"I am." I tried to tell him weakly, feeling bad now.

Charlie shook his head as he turned back around. Dad came back up a few minutes later. We took off flying again and I let loose another scream. I heard Charlie let another laugh out and I looked up and glared at him.

We landed on another house and I watched as Dad floated down a tiny little pipe. I laughed a little as dad began yelling at the bag as if it were a person.

We finally reached the last house before we took off again.

"All right, Morning fellas, morning sport, morning Allie. We're done Comet. Ho-ho-ho. Back to the house. Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight. When I wake up I'm getting a CAT scan!"

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