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We all know stories of the Watchers. How they're all bad and actively seek world domination or something similar of the sort. In reality, they're an important piece to minecraft servers. With the abundance of minecraft servers that exist in the world, there would always be a number of watchers to follow the amount. Watchers are being picked and chosen left and right to help these servers. This isn't propaganda or any lie. It's all true. The role that Watchers play in the world of Minecraft and the multitude of her servers is big. They help smooth transitions into upcoming updates and without them, it could lead to fatal accidents when it comes to an update.

How they transition the players with ease across the versions is with their magic. Due to their own magic, however, they can't play on a server. Watchers were only meant to watch and assist.

They aren't players anymore.

This doesn't stop them from interacting with the world and the players though. It just so happens that it's more likely for any watcher overlooking a server to not talk to anyone other than the admin and their team if needed. Watchers can hand over items and communicate, but they cannot build or break anything other than the unbreakable block, bedrock. It will lead to unwanted consequences.

This doesn't exclude the defective Watchers. Watchers who strayed from the original purpose and only used their magic and ability for power and selfish reasons. They're small in number, yet still hard to find. With the ever growing number of servers appearing every other day, it gets hard with a small number of people to find and remove any stray watchers.

And their eyes are set on an upcoming watcher, the one needed to finally push their plan into motion.

~ • ~

In the yellow stone island littered with obsidian pillars and surrounded by the darkening void, a player reluctantly walks towards the bedrock base where a portal is shown. His grey eyes fixated on the floor as he gingerly stepped closer and closer to his destination. He dared to not look up, or back at any of the friends he made that he would soon leave behind. The player stopped in his tracks as one of them called out to him.

"Do you have to go?"

He remained idle for a moment before looking up at the almost angelic-like figures of the watchers that stood elevated on the bedrock fountain base. He stared at them for a minute before he turned to face his friends. His fellow evolutionists. All he could do was muster a saddened smile as he overlooked every last one there. All who went through the end portal. All who fought the dragon. All of his friends. His eyes felt watery and he quietly answered the question, "Maybe we'll meet again one day. Don't know where or when, but I think we'll all be seeing each other again soon."

Soft murmurs engulfed the once quieted end island as all the evolutionists looked between each other, the watchers, and Grian.

"This is goodbye for now guys," Grian added on, speaking above the hushed conversations, his saddened smile turning into one of sentiment as he remembered everything that's happened and all the fun times he had. He turned away from his friends as small tears fell from his cheeks and jumped into the bedrock surrounded portal. The two watchers looked at the evolutionists then down at the portal and jumped in shortly after Grian. After the watchers had left, the world that they left the evolutionists behind began to slowly disperse and distort. The players didn't make an effort to leave and they all held a smile on their faces. Taurtis stared at the void that was slowly consuming the end, the world in process of deleting itself. He wasn't scared though. Neither were the other evolutionists. Taurtis turned to his friends and told them something before looking to the portal frame where his friend and the Watchers that ruled over them disappeared into. It seemed like he knew.

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