Chapter 14, An unexpected encounter

Start from the beginning

“JORDAN!” Keign ran after him.

“Boys.” Mum sighed, rolling her eyes.

“You can say that again.” I said.

“Oh my goodness! I almost forgot.” Mum exclaimed.

She reached down into her handbag and pulled out a present wrapped in blue wrapping paper.

“You didn’t have to get me anything mum.” 

“Well, its not for you. Open it.” She placed it on my lap.

I carefully tore the wrapping paper apart,  gathering little pieces of paper in a pile on my bump. It was two soft onesies, white with blue stars speckled all over and they were so so tiny. 

“Oh mum, I love it.” I embraced her in to a hug.

“I’m glad.” Mum kissed my forehead.

Looking back now, I feel kinda stupid that I’m already in my 7th month of pregnancy and the only thing I had for my babies were those two onesies. So a few weeks later we went on a shopping spree with my mum, Lou, Emily and Aliah to Baby care. Throughout the rest of November, me and the girls had gotten to know each other more and now whenever Louis was over, the girls were never too far behind.

It was the first week of December, so naturally the store was decorated with

Christmas trees, red and green tinsel and workers roaming around dressed as Santa's (not-so-little) helpers. My favourite part was the baby Christmas outfits, sadly there wasn’t any point in buying them since the babies weren’t going to be born this month. At least, I pray they’re not. Braxton hicks had began and I have to admit, they weren’t giving me hope for the real labour. They bloody HURT.

“Rye, this is so cute.” Emily said, waving the superman onesie around.

“Oh, we definitely need to get that. What do you think Louis?” 

“Its up to you.” He said. Louis looked like he was bored out of his mind. For the past hour, we had been walking around looking at baby clothes, which clearly wasn’t how he liked to spent his days off school. To be fair, I did sort of beg him to come with me because I needed his opinion. These were Our children we were shopping for. Then his sisters decided they wanted to come, so he had no choice in the end.

Emily threw the superman onesie in the trolley amongst the other 30 outfits.

“Wait Em, remember there’s two babies, so we have to get two onesies.” “Oh Yeah.” She ran off and grabbed a second one.

Little Aliah was sat upfront in the shopping trolley seat, completely consumed in the game she was playing on her brother’s phone. Mum was beside me, pushing the second trolley while reading out the list of things we needed, and yelling at me when I got side-tracked by yet another adorable outfit.  I was struggling to hold myself together. If I was on my own, I would have bought the whole store’s baby clothes section by now.

“Rye we DO NOT need any more baby clothes. They’ll grow out of these quickly and will probably only wear them once.”


“Louis, go and get two car seats. They are down the second aisle.” Mum ordered.

“Yes ma’am.” Louis wandered off down the next aisle.

“Em, can you do me a favour?” I asked.

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