Chapter four

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A week later after getting the holo players and sign both him and Gwen for the tournament Gabe is doing all he can to prepare Gwen for that day I'll take a note on the card they have and what cards they could be there in the coming tournaments and how to counter them with what he and Gwen have.

During practice Cape find that the Peloton cards are so Bland looks like they are like Lambs to the slaughter for their face one may say and starting to write suggestions for future card sets to Wilma once this is all over that is.

Once practice is done for the day Gabe and Wilma were sitting at the dining room table then Gabe ask Wilma "Say Wilma are the Hives as nice as the rumors say?" Then Wilma says "Well I can't tell much but I will say it have more activity than this town and comparison and that's all I can say." Gabe know that Hinobi have some top secret plans and the holo players is a small Taste of what's to come in fact Rumor Has It Hinobi is making more complex projects that could be bigger than anyone thinks or can handles."

Then on the eve of Gwen's 7th birthday before she goes to bed her aunt Wilma came in and asked Gwen "So nervous Gwen?" Then Gwen says "A little. " then Wilma take out the file envelope open it and pull out what seem to be a very rear and powerful champion card and says to Gwen "Put her in your deck and she will lead you to victory. " when the card is in Gwen's hand the card read.

Gilda Silverwing


L.P: 70707

Ability: light Lance if your role is over 10 the attack double depending on the landed number.

Lore: born among mortal with silver wings she was found by the light of seven to train for battle to find those she love.

Then Gwen put the card in her deck then says to her Aunt Wilma "Thank." Once Wilma leave Gwen's room Gwen turn off the light and head to bed then the voice the deck says.

"Rest for now because tomorrow your real fight begins. "

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