{Fifty One}

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"Callie no." Dante said.

"Too fucking bad Dante." I huffed and crossed my arms. "I'll be fine, I'm a tough girl."

"You're going to get uncomfortable." He pointed out. Yeah I know dipshit. I've been uncomfortable for nine months. I have two fucking babies in me!

"It's an hour an half Dante. It's not going to kill me." I muttered.

"Fine, but as soon as those contractions are close I'm taking you to the hospital I don't care if I have to drag you on your ass."

"How loving of you." I grumbled, but still nodded at him. Once Alex was done Dante had to get up and go talk too, which he wasn't that thrilled about in any way.

While he was up there I felt this tiny little pinch in me. Is that a contraction? They don't hurt at all oh my good I could do this in my sleep.

Dante talked for a total of two minutes then was done, congratulated the two and went back over to me, who was struggling. That pinch was the beginning of the contraction. "Motherfucker this hurts like a goddamn bitch."

"Let's go." He said and I shook my head no, "kitten you're in pain, they have shit for that, get up."

"Who's gonna hold Phil?" I asked. It was our job.

"Literally anyone else." He stressed and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm fine, they are spaced out anyways. So it shouldn't happen for another- 10 minutes maybe?" I honestly don't know. I didn't read and fucking baby books. I'm no unprepared. How the hell and I'm going to do this?!

"If that's what you think." He mumbled and leaned back in his chair. Yeah, it is what I think. Bitch. I love you.

One last person went for the speech, then Bella and Benji went out for a dance, and since I was squeezing onto Dante's hand so hard, he wasn't able to hold the baby.

"Not- 10- minutes." I said in sections, trying to control my breathing. His other hand rubbed my back, this is my third contraction and it hurts. A lot. I thought it was 10 minutes. Are these babies coming out of me now because it sure as hell feels like it, maybe I should get Dante to check. Well not right here. "Dante- I think I'm giving birth right now."

"It's just a contraction." He assured me but I shook my head no. "Yes it is." He kissed my cheek and I squeezed harder on his hand.

We had to have sat there for an hour before I had to go up for the speech, and I got barely get up. Do I look pale? Or gross? I'm not standing in front of 100 people looking like a troll. I always look like a troll. Stop over thinking.

"You're contractions are really close kitten." Dante said to me before I walked away. He's timing them. Awe. He's so on track... unlike me. "If you get another one while up there then we're leaving.

"Fine, but I won't." I said and he let go of me, and I walked up to the front. Cass and I were doing our speech together since we both kinda have a problem with speaking in front of a group of people.

She nudged me and made me go first, I sighed and ran my words over in my head quickly.

"So I met Bella almost two years ago at this hotel, and right away I learned she was a clumsy person from shattering her glass of wine." I began and a few people chuckled, "we talked for hours, we didn't have much in common except we were the same age and we were both dating ridiculously hot people, I'm talking about you Matt." I winked at the groom and more people laughed, "seriously is eye candy. Anyways, after that day we met each other I really got to know her and she became one of my best friends who helped me out a lot. She deserves nothing but happiness. As for Matt, I met him that same time I met Bella, at a club actually. His ass was drunk and Bella had to take care of him, great first impression. He's always been really kind and gentle with Bella from what I've seen. Their baby has only been here for two months but I know he is the best father for him. So congrats guys." That was the worse speech ever but it's fine.

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