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"You don't know how to play soccer." Dante chuckled.

"It can't be that hard." I rolled my eyes as I began to put away some plates.

"It just rained, it will be muddy." He said.

"That never stopped you from making me run five laps on the slippery track." I hummed and smirked. "But you don't have to play. I get it. You are just to scared because you know I will win."

"You will not win." He scoffed and walked over to me.

"Yes. Yes I will." I giggled and turned back around to face him.

"If you say so. But you won't." He said.

"So we are playing?" I smiled.

"Lets go." He rolled his eyes and I smiled. I put the dring cloth to the side and walked up to him.

"I'm going to win." I whispered. He just chuckled and lead me out of the kitchen. He walked into the living room first then I followed and walked over to Cass and whispered the plan to her. "Do you have teams played out?"

"I have something in mind." I pulled out my phone and went on Notes and quickly typed down teams.

"Who's up to a game of soccer?" Cass asked which caught everyones attention. And everyone answered with a yeah, or yes. "Okay, Cal has the teams."

"First off, Betty and Liv- do you want to play?"

"Referee?" They both said and I nodded my head okay, kinda guessing already that that's what they wanted to do. "Dante, Tyler, Louis, Henry, and Jonny are on one team and Dante can be captain. Alex, me, Peter, Cass, and Eric are on the other team and Alex is team captain."

"You gave me the crappy team." Dante said and I smirked.

"But you're the star soccer player. You should be able to carry your team." I said, knowing that he was totally going to lose. We all made our way outside to the training area and Alex and Dante set pylones up for make shift nets while Cass and I searched for a soccer ball.

"Do you think there is something with you and Dante?" Cass asked me out of no where.

"I- I don't know. Dante has told me he doesn't do relationships. What about me would change that? Nothing."

"I think, that if there is nothing going on with him, then maybe you shouldn't tell Liv." Cass suggested and I knew she was right. I can' even imagine what Liv would say to me. But I know she will be mad. She has already told me that she lives in the shadow of her older brother and he always has everything- and she is left with nothing.

But I can't just stop being with Dante. He makes me feel a way I've never felt before.


"Oh- found it." Cass said and we both exited the supply closet and went back out to the others. Liv and Betty sat on two chairs to the side and everyone else was in their group- talking.

Though it rained yesterday, it was very warm today. More than warm, beating hot. I could already feel the sweat build up on my skin. And I was wearing a stupid sweater and leggings.

"Cass you're goalie cause- well, you're agressive." Alex said.

"Fair." Cass laughed.

"Eric and Peter, are you good for defence?" Both boys shook their heads yes. "Good, so Cal, you and I are in field."

"I suck ass at this." I warned him.

"That's fine- you can run fast and dodge shit so that is good." Alex assured me and I shrugged my shoulders. He was right. I was sorta fast. "So you start us off."

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