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  Days passed and Lucy quickly grew bored inside the cottage

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Days passed and Lucy quickly grew bored inside the cottage. So much so that she had began sorting through drawers of old books and clutter.

Lucy sighed, taking a sip of tea before moving on to a small closet after picking over old spell books and Chocolate Frog cards.

Inside the tiny broom closet was an old broom, extra linens, and a dusty box. Curiosity got the best of her as she dusted off the box and brought it down to her level. A set of initials were carved into the simple grey box.


"Draco," Lucy called out, carrying the box over to the sofa.

Draco's eyes, the same color as the box, followed her as she sat down beside him.

"Who's CLM?" she asked.

"CLM?" he repeated, his face puzzled. "I haven't the slightest clue,"

Carefully, Lucy peeled back the lid and covered her face as dust rose from the motion.

With a flick of Draco's wand, it settled and Lucy glanced back down before gasping with shock.

Within flowery, oval-shaped picture frame was the young face of Lucy's mother. The woman waved a gentle hand to Lucy through the moving photograph. In her other hand, sat an infant that she instantaneously realized was her.

"Merlin's beard—!" began Lucy in shock. Draco peered over her shoulder, his steely eyes widening at the sight.

"Your mother," he said, more of a statement than a question.

Lucy nodded, her fingers skimming the glass as she studied her mother's dark raven hair and bright smile that drifted down to the plump infant in her arms. Celeste's green eyes beamed at the sight of her daughter. A matching head full of raven hair and big brown eyes let out a giggle at her mother.

Beside them was her father, Orion. His smile was stiff as his posture as he nodded at the photographer, or possibly Lucy herself.

"Bloody hell," Draco murmured, studying the photo as well.

Lucy handed him the frame as she searched through the contents of the box. Underneath this frame was a slightly creased photo of Celeste alongside another man. This, she remembered to be the scowling face of young Severus Snape. Except here, a smile danced on his lips as he posed alongside the Head Girl.

"They were friends," Lucy concluded.

Underneath the photos were dozens of letters. She handed some to Draco while curling back to read the other half herself.

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