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Christmas morning arrived peacefully as Lucy glanced over to see Draco still snoring softly beside her. His pale chest faintly rose and fell, while his hair tickled his forehead. She smiled at the sight of him being so serene as she replayed the previous day's events in her head.

After the surprising moment in the gardens, Lucy had been given a tour of the remainder of the manor. She saw the spacious ballroom, the ornate drawing-room, and even the quaint library. Dinner with Narcissa was light and warm as the three had dined on scrumptious steaks.
Lucy then was able to take a blissful bath in the overwhelmingly large lavatory that Draco had to himself. When she had finished, she emerged from the washroom to see him fast asleep. Lucy had thrown on one of his jumpers before carefully curling up next to him.

Draco's room consisted of dark-hued furniture and a luxurious king-sized bed adorned with grey, silk sheets. A gigantic window covered by sheer grey curtains allowed in just the right amount of sunlight. A groan suddenly escaped his lips as he rolled over into Lucy. The feeling of someone next to him startled the boy, and he opened his eyes groggily.

"Hi," giggled Lucy, smiling at his sleepy state.

"G'mornin'," Draco mumbled sleepily, the sound of his morning voice causing butterflies in her stomach. He slumped back on his pillow, his arms resting behind his head.

"Happy Christmas!" she quietly exclaimed, resulting in him sitting up and glancing over at her.

"Fuck—I didn't even realize it," he gasped before reaching over to Lucy and pulling her in close to his warm chest. "Happy Christmas,"

Draco lightly tilted her chin up and pressed a loving kiss onto her lips. Lucy eagerly snogged back as he pulled her even closer than she thought possible. His lips were feverish against hers as he placed open-mouthed kisses on her throat. A soft moan involuntarily escaped her lips as he paused to gaze at the gorgeous girl beside him. A smirk fell onto Draco lips at the sight of Lucy's flustered face.

"We'll continue this later," murmured teasingly Draco against her neck.

"O-Okay," Lucy whispered back airily as he gradually peeled himself away from her warmth.

After collecting themselves, the two then got dressed and headed downstairs to open presents with his mother. Lucy was pleased that Narcissa loved the silk scarf and gourmet chocolates she had picked out for her.

Draco, of course, had a plethora of presents to open from his family, ranging from Chocolate Frogs to yet another luxurious silver watch. Lucy had bought him a generous package of toffee, as well as a new Slytherin scarf. On the other hand, he had gifted her a white peacock quill, and a rather expensive pair of opal earrings. Narcissa even got Lucy a beautiful silk scarf with a matching headband, seeing as Draco had told her  that she favored them.

After every last present had been opened, the day was filled with a flurry of Christmas festivities. The house-elves baked fresh gingerbread cookies and other delicious pastries. Lucy and Draco even snuck bites of cookie dough from the kitchen, much to the elves' displeasure.

The post arrived after a lunch of sandwiches and hearty soups. Arielle had gotten Lucy dainty floral socks, as well as her favorite long-lasting ink. Blaise was even nice enough to mail her a package of cauldron cakes. However, a tinge of sadness bubbled up inside her seeing that Theo had not even written her. Lucy merely handed the flurry of owls her presents along with Draco before retreating to her room. The sky began to change colors to a fading violet and red as she changed into a pretty emerald dress made of satin, which she thought to be rather festive for the holiday.

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