Depuis le début

Death Eaters.

Fear panged in her heart as she begins striding away from the crowds. She firmly clutched her satchel that rests across her body as she ducks into a deserted alleyway and Apparated back to the woods.

Her stomach nearly heaved up her meal as she rushed up to the tent.

"We need to go! Now!" she called out.

Immediately, Blaise and Arielle ducked out of the tent. Arielle's brown eyes are full of worry.

"Why are you already back?" questioned Blaise.

"What's happened?" demanded Arielle.

"There's no time—we aren't safe here!"

"We'll pack up—take down the enchantments so nobody knows we were here!"

Lucy nodded in agreement before rushing over to the shield she had created and began whispering counter-spells, silently thanking tiny Professor Flitwick for all his wisdom.

She allowed herself to focus on the task at hand, hurrying to remove all traces of their presence.

Suddenly, the sound of a branch cracking causes her to whirl around.

"My, aren't you a pretty one?" cooed a scrawny, dark-haired man as leaned menacingly against and tree. Behind him, Lucy's eyes fall on a handful of men in his company that stand behind him, all of equal ugliness.

Lucy stumbled back nervously, speechless as the man draws closer.

"ARIELLE!" she shrilled, backing away further as the group of men begin nearing her. A scream catches in her throat at the sight of Fenir Greyback, his nails and mouth stained red with blood. He gives her a sinister smile.

Arielle and Blaise step out of the tent and immediately, their wands are drawn.

"Lucy—" Arielle began coolly. "Run."

She certainly did not need to be told twice. Lucy began sprinting through the thick snow, ignoring the frigid feeling of it getting inside her winter boots.

She aimed her wand behind her as she sends a curse flying towards whoever is chasing her. The Snatchers quickly catch on as they too begin hurling curses towards the fleeing girl.

Her lungs and muscles burned  as she scrambled through the forest as fast as she can, narrowly avoiding a tree branch as it slices across her cheek. The cut stung but she pushed through as she sends another curse behind her, daring to glance back only to notice two of the men closing in quickly.

The look costs her as Lucy tumbled to the ground, tripping over a large tree root hidden under the snow. The blanket of snow is startlingly cool against her face as she desperately tries to get up, only to be roughly grabbed.

"Gave us quite the chase, didn't you, sweetheart?" barked the man from earlier, smirking at her. His long hair has been pulled back in a messy ponytail and his face is covered with grime. "That's okay, I like a fighter,"

"Please—" she began as the warm feeling of blood trickling down her face becomes noticable. "This is all a misunderstanding,"

"C'mon, back with the others," he snapped as she walks silently to where Arielle and Blaise are being restrained, wands pressed against their throats.

Arielle, ever the rebel, struggled against the man holding her back. "Get off me you pig!"

The brute instead grabbed her roughly, keeping her more restrained. "Silence!"

"Don't touch her!" roared Blaise angrily.

"All of you, shut it!" shouted the leader of the group that holds Lucy firmly on the spot.

Meanwhile, Greyback chooses to eye Lucy with a puzzled yet sinister expression on his face.

"Now, you—boy, what's your name?" demanded the leader.

"Blaise Zabini," he huffed.

"Blood status?"


"Check it!"

One of the men pulled out a small handheld book of sorts that he flips to the back of. "Zabini is in here, Scabior,"

"Very well," Scabior remarked. "And you?"

"Arielle Harper,"

"Check it!"


Scabior turned to Lucy with a lover's gaze. "What about you, doll?"

"This one, I know," growled Greyback, stepping closer towards Lucy. She squirms against the leader's touch as the werewolf nears, his face one of nightmares. With the tip of one of his nails, he reaches out to scrape the blood from her cut onto his nail. Then, he licked the nail, breathing in heavily as his eyes roll back in a feral matter.

"Is that so?" Scabior scoffed, looking down at Lucy. "What's your name, beautiful?"

"Lucy Armstrong," she hissed, fighting back tears.

"Delicious," Greyback cooed. "Save this one for me, will you?"

"Armstrong....ah," smirked Scabior. "We have special orders if we caught you—!"


The man roughly pushed Lucy's sleeve back, exposing her Dark Mark that ripples on her skin as though the ink is alive.

"Yes, this beauty is going with us to Malfoy Manor,"

✧・゚: *✧・゚✧*:・゚✧

author's note:

the way this fic has gone from lucy being a baddie slytherin to running from snatchers im sorry its lowkey cringe im just going with it at this point tho. the next chapter is exactly what you may guess-lucy and draco are going to be reunited!

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