"I'm Lucy," she added with an apprehensive smile.

"I know who you are," Longbottom quipped bitterly.

"Oh," Lucy anxiously averted her attention back to the Transfiguration professor, avoiding the uncomfortable conversation.

She silently turned to the toadstool before her, and began reciting the incantation until a ribbiting toad appeared in it's place.

Longbottom was indeed correct—Trevor the toad did not end up a toadstool by the end of the lesson. Instead, they were all given a rather hefty load of homework and instructed to stay out of trouble.

"I'm bloody dreading this Muggle Studies class," Blaise announced grumpily as they made their way up the moving staircase. "Why do we have to take it anyway? Doesn't You-Know-Who's lot hate Mudbloods?"

Lucy followed silently behind them next to Theo.

"I'm not so sure that we will be learning about them from a positive aspect," Arielle countered as they climbed up the large stone steps, still giving Lucy the cold shoulder.

Alecto Carrow was a woman that could easily pass as half mountain troll. She had a short, stubby body and a rather stout face. Her greying straw hair was always pulled back into a bun, and her teeth were rather yellow and crooked.

Her classroom composed of rows of desks facing a chalkboard. Students silently sat in their seats as she glared around the room.

"Welcome to your first Muggle Studies class students!" she greeted sinisterly. "Does anyone know any students who are Muggleborn?"

Nobody dared to raise a hand.

"It is in the best interest of each and every one of you to come forward with any information regarding any Mudbloods," she continued. There were a few gasps of horror over her choice of language.

"Yes, that's right, Mudbloods!" she snapped. "You are here in this class to learn how disgraceful these vermin are to our Wizarding World,"

She began to wander down each and every row, breathing down their necks with her hot, grating breath.

"To begin, each student will be subjected to thorough questioning regarding their blood status. Hogwarts no longer tolerates Mudblood filth in its corridors,"

Alecto turned to a random Hufflepuff with a large nose who paled under her gaze. "You boy, what's your name?"

"Er-," he mumbled.

"Cat got your tongue, eh? Very well, we'll do this the hard way, Imperio!"

There was a collective gasp as the mousy haired boy was placed under the Imperius Curse, a curse that was most unforgivable.

"State your full name," Alecto demanded at once.

"Justin Finch-Fletchley," he stated hazily.

Alecto whipped out a small blue book from her robes and began to file through hastily.

"Finch-Fletchley isn't in here!" she barked at him. "What's your blood status, boy? Don't lie to me!"

"Muggle-born," he replied with a dreamy tone that did not reach his eyes. Instead, they were glazed over with horror as his skin blanched white.

Lucy's eyes widened, and a few status covered their mouths in shock. Alecto let out a nasty, cruel laugh as she circled the boy with predatory intent.

"Cruci0!" roared Alecto, pointing her knobbly wand at his body. The boy, Justin, fell to the ground writhing about in agony. Lucy could not help but look away—the sight pained her. She felt Theo gently reach out and placed his large, calloused fingers against hers. The warmth from him was startling as she allowed their fingers to intertwine. Lucy was far more used to the sharp sting of Draco's cold rings.

"Stop it!" cried out a voice.

Lucy glanced up to see Longbottom standing, towering above the stubby Death Eater. Alecto stopped and turned around impatiently.

"Excuse me? And just what would your name be?" she demanded hotly, glaring up at the Gryffindor.

"Neville Longbottom. Pureblood," he quipped. "Go ahead and check it,"

Alecto did just that, using her fat fingers to comb through the tiny book. She made a frustrated grunt, confirming that he was telling the truth.

"Two months detention for your outburst, Longbottom," she said before cackling at his last name. "Now, where were we? Oh yes—Mudbloods,"

Student by student, Alecto led her interrogation. Detentions were handed out to any half-bloods. Two more students were tortured before Alecto reached the Slytherins.

She first paused before Theo, who made a weak effort of pushing his hair out of his face. "Theodore Nott,"

Alecto raised her eyebrows silently before diverting her gaze to Lucy.

"Guess I don't need to ask your name, do I?" Alecto rasped at Lucy. "Armstrong's 'precious' daughter,"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Lucy replied as calmly as she could, her tone cold.

"Don't use that tone with me you bratty minx! I'm a Deputy Head now, I could make your life miserable-!"

"Do I look like I care?" Lucy interrupted bluntly. "I already am miserable,"

"Fine, you just earned yourself detention for as long as I see fit!" she smugly declared.

"Seriously?" Theo spoke up angrily. "She didn't even do anything!"

"And you can join her, Nott," Alecto added cruelly, predatory glee shining in her eyes before turning to the class.

"For your first homework assignment, write me a ten paged essay on why Mudbloods and Muggles are abominations to our world!"

✧・゚: *✧・゚✧*:・゚✧

author's note:
sorry that this was a bit of a filler chapter, i am just trying to establish the evil carrows!! part 2 will definitely have more dark themes since obviously the deathly hallows can be very dark, so please be prepared for upsetting material in future chapters.
also i am totally going through a theo phase so dont mind the subtle lucy & theo content because there's more to come but dont worry draco will be in the picture again soon!!

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