Chapter 16

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Silence passed between the group and Hikori stood there, confused.

"It is no one you have to worry about, OK? I'll tell you when you're older."

"... I'm older now!"

The group laughed at the little boy's humour.

The family sat and talked for a few hours before Hikori literally fell asleep, lying next to Denki in the bed. Present Mic picked up the boy and headed out, Eri and Kota following in pursuit. Denki had also fallen asleep. Aizawa stayed in the room for a little longer.

"Don't worry about him, Hitoshi. He can't be knocked down that easily. Everything that happened in the past has made him stronger now. This is only a setback for his rehab."

"I thought he might have fully recovered by now though. It happened 18 years ago."

"I know you do, but mental rehab can take a while. It also depends on how much one has suffered. Plus, with Denki knowing that his father is still alive and out there, it's not making anything better. The most you can do right now is to be there for him and help him through everything, taking everything one step at a time."

"Sigh... thanks, Dadzawa. I really needed that. Although everyone has been telling me similar things, for some reason I feel better knowing it came from you."

"You should get some sleep."

"Sleep? What's sleep?"

"Very funny smart ass. At least try and get an hour."

"Ha ha... Will do."


The next morning, Denki woke to find Hitoshi sleeping in the chair beside him. Carefully sitting up, he watched as his partner stirred. Hitoshi's eyes flickered open and he smiled at his partner.

"Morning sunshine!" Denki smirked.

"Morning Kitten." Hitoshi smiled back. "You get enough sleep?"

"I could ask you the same thing but I know what the answer will be."

"Ha ha... Bitch..."

"You know you love me~!"

"Do I know that?"


"I'm only messing with you, Idiot. Of course I love you."

Denki just smiled a lopsided smirk. He loved teasing him. He always teased him back though.

"When do you think I'll be let out?"

"I don't know... Hopefully before Christmas."

"God I hope so!"


Two weeks went by quickly, leaving three weeks until Christmas, and Denki was finally discharged with only a dislocated shoulder. They were just sitting on the couch, watching TV, when a news report came on. The news reporter's makeup was obviously running and her eyes were red.

'A tragedy has hit Japan today. Not even an hour ago, retired Pro Hero, All Might, was found dead in his own home. Experts are unable to find any evidence of injury, and have come to the conclusion that he has passed in his sleep.'

Denki had tears in his eyes and Hitoshi had a look of shock written on his face. The reporter turned to the left and the camera followed. On screen, in his hero outfit, was Deku.

'I am here with No. 1 Pro Hero Deku. Deku, how do you feel about this tragic discovery?'

'All Might was not only a much loved pro Hero, or a UA teacher or mentor, but part of a family much greater than we thought. Whenever anyone saw him in the streets or fighting villains, a smile would always appear on people's faces, no matter the circumstance. I, personally, feel the crushing weight of his passing as he gave me hope for the future and trained me to be the hero I am today. I also know that many families will be devastated and somewhat scared that their children are to grow up in a world were All Might only exist in memories and stories.'

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