Chapter 7

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The next morning, Denki woke up early so that he could meet up with Shira and show her around Japan. Once the taxi arrived at the hotel that Denki's friend was staying at, he entered the building and walked up to the front desk. He wanted to find a good hotel near the district he lives in, but by the looks of it, Shira had already found it. The gentleman looked up and noticed Denki straight away.

"Hello sir. How can I help you today?"

"I'm here to see Ottermen Shira? She's staying in this hotel."

"Certainly. I'll get her room number for you and then you can head straight up."


As the man was getting the details. Denki looked over to a bunch of people standing in a group. He saw them whisper and have surprised looks on his face.

"Ottermen Shira. Floor 5. Room 6."

"Cheers for that."

As Denki turned around, he did one of the most stupid things he could possibly do. He did his signature pose when in in his hero persona.

"OMG! IT'S THE STUNGUN HERO; CHARGEBOLT!" one of the girl screams, grabbing the attention of everyone else in the hotel.

It was at that moment that Denki realised that he did dumb. Everyone started to run at him. He went to the elevator and stood inside. Pressing the button for floor 5, he waited in annoyance as the doors seemed to be taking forever to close. Not even bothering to wait, he bolted from the elevator, only to have the doors close after he hoped out.

"You've got to be shitting me!" He headed for the stairs as he heard the thundering of footsteps behind him and the squeals and cries of his many fans.

When he reached the stairs, he flung open the doors and raced up the stairs, trying to out run the relentless fans. When he eventually reached the 5th floor, he threw open the door and looked, frantically, for room 6. When he did find it, he knocked on the door with rapid pounding. People were getting closer. The door opened and Shira's head popped out.


"You ready?! Great! Let's go!"

"What are you-!"

Denki ripped Shira from her room and the door closed with a click, signalling the door being locked. Denki pulled the girl through the halls. He dragged her to the elevator doors, only to have them open and a flood of fans spill out. Turning around, people were spilling from the stairs.



The duo jumped out the window, Denki using his electricity to propel them to the roof of the building across the street. When they connected with the roof, they both army rolled to a stop.

"What the hell is going on, Denki?!"

"I'm so sorry, ShiShi...!"

"ShiShi... I haven't heard that nickname in a long while. But what the FUCK is going on?!"

"Well... Being a Pro hero, you have many fans and can't get a break in public spaces. They're relentless. Anyway. Let's get going shall we?"


As they walked and talked, they found a coffee shop to sit at and continue talking. As they sat and drank their drinks, Denki got a phone call. Shinso.

"Hey, Toshi! What's up?"

"Where are you?!"

"What do you mean?! What's wrong?!"

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