Chapter 4

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The next morning, Denki was on edge. The only thing that was on his mind was what was written on his son's window; I'm Coming for You. Who wrote it? Why was it written? Why did it send a pit of dread to his stomach? A lump in his throat? He sat at the table, just staring into space. Shinso seemed concerned about his partner's behaviour. Hikori was at preschool, so it was just the two adults occupying the house hold. Taking a seat next to him, Shinso placed his hand on his husband's back.

"You OK? You've been acting really on edge since last night." Shinso said softly.

"I don't know. All I can think about is what was written on the window. Who wrote it and what it means." Denki replied.

"Don't worry about it. It's been all clean up, so there's no reason to dwell upon it."

"You're right. I'm just making a mounting out of a mole hill."

A ding was sent to Shinso and Denki's phones with the exact same message, directly from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, or TMPD.

Attention nearby heroes, the city needs your assistance. A villain has been sighted near a preschool.

A preschool?


Both men, whom were in their Hero costumes just in case they were called out, jumped from their seats and bolted from the house, like bullets from a gun.


Running through the streets, and Shinso swinging with the aid of his scarf/capture weapon, they made a beeline for the preschool. The preschool in which their child was at that very moment. As they ran, they were joined by other heroes; Ground Zero and Red Riot. Cellophane and Ingenium. Deku and Shoto. Each of them had their child positioned within that school. The school that was being attacked at this very moment.

The crowed was getting thick and so they had to find other means to get around, but Bakugo had other ideas. He set of a large explosion from his hands and Todoroki iced the road, allowing the heroes to run along. The crowd seemed to cheer for an unknown reason. Probably because the No. 1, 2 and 3 heroes were there.

Once they reached the preschool, they found the gates thrown down and ivy moving along the gates length. Denki stared at the sight before he snapped out of his unknown trance and continued to follow them all into the school. Inside, they found the two teachers and all of the kids huddled in a corner, and the villain standing above them, back towards the unknown heroes. The teachers seemed petrified.

"Stay away from them!" Ingenium cried.

"Or what?!"

"We'll take matters into our own hands..." Bakugo growled.

The villain turned around to show that he had captured one of the children and had them as a hostage.

"IREI!" Deku cried, face twisted into one of fear.

"Move and I'll melt the child to nothing."

Deku and Shoto seemed to be frozen to the spot. Their son was helpless. His quirk hadn't manifested and he was in danger. He couldn't use his quirk to defend himself, so it was up to the heroes to stop the villain without harming the school filled with children, or Irei.

"Fine. We can either do this the hard way or the easy way." The villain seemed to activate his quirk as he heated up his hand. Irei cried out in pain.

"NO!" Deku and Shoto cried.

"That's it! Hey!" Shinso screamed.

"What!?" The villain was under Mind Meddler's control.

"Let go of the child and hand yourself over."

The villain did as Shinso ordered. Shinso didn't want to use his quirk unless they needed him to. He only came to help protect the children and keep the villain restrained, but the guy had hurt a helpless, innocent child. He wasn't gonna just stand by and let that happen.

The police came and took charge of the villain. All of the students were crying and the two teachers seemed to try and keep them calm. Deku and Shoto dropped to their child. Deku held the boy closely and stroked his son's hair, in which was half green and half white with red streaks, all while trying to contain his tears that wanted to fall, Shoto trying to comfort both of them.

Hanna ran to her parents and jumped into Cellophane's arms, holding on like a koala. Bakugo held onto his daughter and placed one hand behind her head and another on her back, Kirishima crouched beside them and held Eijitski's small hand in his large hand. Denki grabbed Hikori and pulled the sobbing boy into his arms.

"Look what he's done to you...! My poor boy...!" Deku sobbed as he held his son at arm's reach and inspected his injury; a burn in the shape of fingers wrapping around his neck.

Denki watched as Deku picked up Irei in his arms and walked out, Shoto telling the teachers that every child should go home to their parents for their own safety, before following his partner and son out the door.

Shinso held his son by the hand and they walked out, Denki following, and the other families leaving also. When they reached the fallen gate, Denki stopped and dropped into a crouch. He stared at the ivy. For some reason, his hand moved subconsciously on its own. He touched the ivy and memories came rushing back.


The man used his quirk on the boy. He morphed his hands into poison ivy and wrapped them around the small his neck, letting him screech as he also made ivy enter the open cuts on the boy's stomach.

Denki fell back with a gasp. That time when his father attacked him before his own class. In his own house. The time when his father was finally taken away from him. That time when he was left all alone, all to result in moving to Australia.

Shinso, realising that Denki wasn't there, turned around and found Denki on the ground. He noticed that the ivy had caught his attention and from the look on his partner's face, he could tell that he was reliving the horrors of his childhood. He walked over with Hikori, dropping the boy's hand and crouching by his husband.

"He's gone, Denki. He's in jail. Where he belongs. By the time he comes out, he'll either be dead or we'll be long gone. He can't hurt you." Shinso soothed.

"Are you sure...? Is 60 years really long enough? He's dangerous, Hitoshi. What if he somehow managed to escape?" Denki panicked slightly.

"He wouldn't have been able to. They got quirk cancelling handcuffs. They've probably restrained him. Now. Let's head home, OK? It's been a long day."

Denki just nodded and Shinso helped him up. They both grabbed one of Hikori's hands and they walked off, heading back to the villain-less safety of their home.

1156 Words!

I hope you all noticed the little thing I did with the ivy!

Thanks for reading and the 29.6K views on Diseased! I'm really gratefull!

Can't wait to write and post the next chapter so keep an eye out for it!


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