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Since Luka and Juleka have been changed into twins canonically (I'm pretty sure) I'm going to put Luka and y/n in the same class as Marinette and Adrien, but for now, we'll just say they had a schedule change from their old classes :)

!!big author note at bottom :))!!

[]y/n pov[]

"I'll see you tomorrow," he(Luka) says with a wink. Which just so happens to leave my face burning as I head into the hotel.  

"Y/n!" I hear my father greet me as I walk past the front desk of the hotel.  

"Hey dad," I weakly smile, wanting to go to sleep after my long day.

"Wait for a second y/n!  I would like to talk to you, sweetie." He whines, causing me to stop and walk over to him.

"What's up?" I ask, resting my hands on the front desk.  He frowns a little.

"You haven't told me how you've been since you came back to Paris, how are you feeling?" He questions.  I exhale as I think of how to reply.

"Well, school has been...weird I guess, and the fact that superheroes live here is crazy," I respond.  His frown disappears.  

"Any boys you're interested in?  Not to be rude but you're kind of boring me over here," He says, causing me to hate my life just a little bit more.

"No, dad.  I'm not interested in anyone," I reply, rolling my eyes.

"That's not what it sounded like when you gushed over Chat Noir the other night," Chloe includes, with an evil little smile.

"God, this conversation is over." I mumble as I head to my room, Chloe not far behind me.

"Goodnight, girls!" Our father cheers happily.  I can't help but laugh a little with Chloe.  

"Hey," She starts

"Hm?" I question

"Where have you been all day?" She averts her eyes.

"I've been with some friends, why?  Did something happen?" I ask, trying to make eye contact again.

"Nothing, it's just," she begins, her tone sounding a little annoyed.


The elevator doors open.

"Oh, sorry I have to head to my room, lets talk later, K?" I blurt out, rushing to my room.

"Goodnight!" I hear her shout behind me.

"Night sis!" I reply before shutting my door.

I jog over to my bed and plop down as I let out a big sigh. 

"What a great day" I mumble to myself, drifting off to sleep.



I slowly open my eyes to the sound of birds chirping outside.  I groan as I sit up and stretch a bit.  Friday, nice.  Maybe I can hang out with everyone again today or this weekend.

"Y/n!" I hear Chloe knocking on my door.

"Just a sec!" I shout, quickly changing into new clothes for school, and fixing up my hair a bit.

"Morning!" I smile as I walk out of my room and walk to the elevator with Chloe.

"How did you sleep?" Chloe asks, fidgeting with the straps on her backpack.

Simply the best [Luka x Reader x Adrien]Where stories live. Discover now