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a/n: hope you are enjoying it so far. I am terrible at writing so just a heads up. anyway, continuing to the story.






July 4, 2021

I wake up to the sound of Lylah's voice and an unidentifiable voice. I get out of my bed and look at myself in the huge full length mirror that sits in the corner of my room. I need to change before I go out there. I walk to my closet and open it. I put on the first hoodie I see. then I change into a pair of black shorts. that's better. I brush my teeth and my hair. that's better. 

I open the door to see Lylah talking to the guy who knocked last night. Lylah looks back and smiles. 

"morning isa" Lylah says joyfully. I smile at her and walk past her and the boy in the kitchen. "this is Jett. he's the guy I was telling you about." Lyl says. 

"hi, im pretty sure we met yesterday? I'm Jett." Jett states with a soft smile as he holds his hand out for me to shake. he had deep brown hair that was middle parted. his eyes were almost the same shade of brown as his hair. he was decently tall. his septum piercing evident. 

"Isabel" I say shaking his hand returning the smile. 

Jett and Lylah were leaving to go to a random cafe that was an hour away. I, on the other hand, has to finish an essay for my English class. i wave them goodbye and start to make a coffee. it was a boring day at most. the weather was dreary. 

I cleaned up the apartment a little bit just incase Jett's friend comes back with them. I can't help but to wonder what his name was. I played some music and finished up cleaning. the apartment grew dark even though it was only 3:12 in the afternoon. the clouds were gloomy and it seemed as if it was about to storm. I huffed and sat on the Love Sac bean bag chair that sat in the corner of the apartment. it was the perfect spot to read. I ended up finishing the book I bought.

I walked to the bathroom and decided I should shower. I dont know why. I was just bored. so that's what I did for the next hour. 

I got out of the shower and heard Lylah talking. I got dressed in a oversized tee and some sweatpants. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Lylah, Jett, and Jett's friend. I froze. 

Jett's friend was HOT. and when I say hot I mean hot hot. I widen my eyes at Lylah as she watches the boys wrestle. 

"Lylah!" I whisper yell that was loud enough for her to here but was quiet enough for the boys not to hear. she walked to my room with me after excusing herself. 

"who the hell are they?" I say grabbing my hair brush to brush my hair. 

"its Jett and his best friend Vinnie. Vinnie didn't want to be alone anymore so he decided to ask if he could come hang out. what's wrong with that?" Lylah says with her arms crossed. I shake my head. 

"I don't have a problem with it. just a little warning would have been kind of nice. I have to write the rest of my paper anyway. so it doesn't really matter to me" I say back. she nods. 

"I want you to meet Vinnie though. you guys would really hit it off." Lylah wiggles her eyebrows. no. just no. 

"ill think about it" I shrug. Lylah nods and walks out. I sigh and sit in my desk chair. 

now how the fuck am I supposed to start this essay. 




a/n-  lol that was fun to write. anyway, have a good day bae. I love you.

mwah - ri

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