When we came to the front of the line, we decided that we would go from youngest to oldest, and Error waited jovially for his turn to see Sansta; according to the sign in front, he had a limit of two minutes, though, which he thankfully understood. As soon as the child in front of us left Sansta's lap, Error walked up to Sansta, and he climbed onto the jolly skeleton's lap happily.

"Hello there, young one!" This Sansta certainly was jolly. "Have you been good this year?"

"Yep!" Error nodded. "I've been super good!"

"That's wonderful. And what would you like for Christmas?"

"I'd like a really special yo-yo; do you make those?"

"Depends on what kind it is; what does your yo-yo look like?"

"Well, instead of being round, the sides are stars, and when it spins, it looks super cool!"

"Ah, I believe I've seen those somewhere; they won't be able to do all the tricks that regular yo-yos can, you know."

"I know, but I'll still do some."

"In that case, I'll see what I can do for you. Have a merry Christmas, Error." 

"You, too, Sansta!"

With that, Error left Sansta's lap, and he waited for us at the other end of the meeting area; I would keep my eyelight on him, but I knew that he would be able to defend himself if anything happened, with his new strings. Next up was Cross, who wasted no time in approaching Sansta and sitting on his lap.

"Good afternoon, child." Sansta greeted. "Have you been good this year?"

"Yes, sir." Cross nodded. "I believe that I've been very good."

"That's very impressive. What would you like for Christmas, young one?"

"May I have a star chart? I live..far away..but that shouldn't be a problem for you, right?"

"No problem." Sansta assured. "I'll see what I can do. Have a merry Christmas, Cross."

"Thank you, sir."

Cross then left Sansta's lap, and he walked over to Error, who began to speak to him while they waited for the rest of us. Third to go see Sansta was Dust, who shuffled over hesitantly; he hadn't wanted to do it, but he had changed his mind when Error presented him with a soulbroken expression..no one could resist a sad Error. When he reached Sansta, he climbed onto his lap slowly, and he did his best to be brave.

"Hello, young one." Sansta was as joyful as ever. "Have you been a good boy this year?"

"..N-not really.." Dust shook his skull sadly.

"What could you have possibly done that was so bad?"

"..I-I killed people.." Dust was..painfully honest; Sansta somehow didn't seem to mind it.

"Would you like to know a secret?"


Sansta whispered something to Dust which I couldn't hear, but Dust's expression turned to utter shock when he heard whatever it was.

"Y-you do?" Dust questioned.

"I do." Sansta confirmed. "What would you like for Christmas, Dust?"

"..W-well..I don't really want..I-I only came up here for my little brother.."

"I understand." Sansta smiled in understanding. "You don't have to ask for anything if you don't want to."

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