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A/N: Happy 2k reads on Wattpad! You guys are awesome

Joel coughed and stood up from his chair, clearing his throat. "Hello everyone, and welcome to the meeting at Mezalea, held to discuss the..." He squinted at the paper. "...Escape of that demon everyone's wittering on about."

"Xornoth." Lizzie said.

"If you say so," Acting was hard, but it wasn't like he had to practise. "So... Scott do you wanna fill the gang in?"

The King of Rivendell nodded and stood up. Joel had to literally strain his eyes to see him - every so often his form would flicker out and his speech became muffled. It was hard to convince himself that he was actually here, but Lizzie had sworn to him that yes, he was there, and whilst he didn't believe in these stupid goddy people, he did believe his wife, because his wife was always right.

Scott started saying something, and it became increasingly hard to hear him. So much so that Joel zoned out, staring at the table. It was Diwali, one of Mezalea's busiest times in the year, and Joel wanted to be out there with the glowing lights and fireworks and celebrating people and snack on candy, not be cooped up in a boring meeting listening to someone who didn't exist- listening to Scott talk. And wow, his mind was drifting to whether or not Xornoth would enjoy Mezalean candy. Or maybe they'd enjoy the sweets from the Ocean Empire - there was a rather good shop next to that gay church.

"...Obviously our best course of action would be to send alerts to the coastal guards with their description." Sausage input. When had Sausage arrived? It didn't really matter, he was already sat in the correct spot next to Gem and Pearl. "And have some extra knight shifts."

Lizzie offered him a sharp grin. "You stole that pun."

"I did! Thank you noticing." He beamed back, face the definition of eagerness. "But on a more serious note, how can we monitor the ports to make sure Xornoth doesn't get in?"

Arna leaned forwards and placed her glittering hands on the table, face twisted in thought. "The question is, what kind of punishment awaits them once found?"

"Of course you would say that, Arna." Scott's form flickered momentarily for a second, Joel swore he wasn't there. When he appeared again, his face was etched into a scowl.

"And of course you would say that, Scott." The reflection raised her eyebrows. "Would you care to tell us about what happened before they stole the boat?"

"They were in their cell." He glowered further.


"And I'm not required to talk about private familial matters to you, Countessa."

Lizzie cleared her throat. "Scott, as much as you dislike her, she has a point. What kind of punishment does await them? Surely Rivendell's cells are unreliable if they escaped so easily."

"The Crystal Cliffs have cells designed to hold criminals of magical power." Gem's voice was a beacon of calm that seemed to instantly settle the brewing argument. "We would be happy to house them."

"I don't care about what happens to that demon, as long as they are out of where they can hurt my citizens." Underlord Tannith snapped. "For now should we focus on actually trying to find them?"

Jarina, the Southern Shattered Sister Queen, looked at Gem expectantly. "Can your spells locate them?"

"I need a generous amount of DNA for it to work," She replied.

Her sister Jida raised eyebrows. "Xornoth was at Rivendell for over eight months. You mean to tell me that there was no DNA to use?"

"I smell bullshit in Scotty boys case." Tommy carelessly kicked his feet on the table despite Grians glare.

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