Task 4: "A Change of Heart"

Start from the beginning

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His breath got shorter and shorter for every minute that passed by. He'd been early out of the house, before his stepfather woke up. Cyrus always got up before him so he could make a detour of his own on his way to school. He used to walk past a remote shed that lying closer to the woods. This time however, he stopped and slipped inside to see all of the worn-down equipment hanging on the walls. However that was not the reason he was there.

He fell down to his knees and felt like his chest was about to explode. His chest was pressing in on itself, his breathing cramping and becoming shorter and shorter. He was hyperventilating as he collapsed and just sat there, rocking himself back and forth, back and forth. He could finally let it all out.

No matter how late it got regarding getting to school in time, he couldn't find himself moving a single inch for hours. He had completely frozen on the spot. This was the time and place where he could let it all out. Inside the house, if his stepfather even heard as much as a peep, it would all get ten times worse than it already was, and Cyrus could barely handle that. He had learned to lock it down, but it could only stay locked down for so long. Once it all came out, there was no way he could control it.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I snap out of yet another flashback as I start hearing noises. Right in the middle of my seemingly hyperventilating, I hear someone being thrown against a wall. Someone is fighting close by. My body is shaky and completely against my mind's intentions, but I manage to move myself towards it and that's when I see the girl from 3, Chandler, handling this guy...Zeiden. I mean, last I checked those two were allies, good allies too. For some reason, they're now fighting each other and Chandler is having the upper hand.

She manages to throw him against the wall and kick him several times while he's down as she brings up her knives and stabs him multiple times until the sound of cannons catch me completely off guard. Why did she do that? Why did she kill her only solid ally? I grab for my hammer as my body is still in a panic mode and anxious to defend itself. The difference to my normal self however, is that I don't have a solid plan. It's just...the moment she comes for me, I'll just lash out without a plan.

Usually I have a plan, a solid plan. Usually I would be standing on my two feet, smirking while watching her and then stare her down, take away all the pieces of confidence that she thinks she has. Instead, my body is in a flee-state, and it refuses to do something in the lines of what I just described and let me have my way with her. I'm all nervous. My body is all nervous, tensed up as Chandler spots me and starts walking towards me. Inside my head, I try to keep my cool, but I know it doesn't show on the outside.

What the hell is this? What have they freaking done to me? But that's when I notice something in her. She looks different too. It doesn't even look like she's going to kill me. If anything, she seems relieved to see me. "Wrecky...oh my, it's really you! Thank God you're alive. I saw the bloodbath down there. That was a real mess. Are you okay?" Okay, so, what the hell is actually going on? She, like myself, is supposed to be a freaking sociopath. Compassion really isn't a thing that we know all that well.

Normally I'd smirk. I'd smirk and then do something to her by now. Instead, I find myself cowering against the wall, slightly moving myself backwards, away from her. My mind apparently doesn't have a say in what I do. "Hey, Wrecky, you can trust me. I'm not out to hurt you." She says in a friendly voice...too friendly when I come to think of it. My true self wouldn't even have allowed her the gift of talking at this point. I would've snapped her damn joints already, but every piece of my body is slowly giving into this friendliness.

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