Holding Out For 10 Heroes

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(Disclaimer: Mika and Ben have a bit of a discussion in this chapter as part of character growth and looking at their inner psychologies, but we do not claim to know what Ben's faith is in the actual Ben 10 canon. We have listed him as Christian because he does not think like a typical atheist, and that is the main faith in America.  Plus he has met gods so he has no reason not to believe in a supreme being. We do not impose our faith on any of the characters for religious purposes, and they are varied in their faiths, some of them practice a religion that does not exist in our world.. however we won't hide the fact that some of RW Ben's reasons for belief are in tune with ours.  We are for freedom of religion and Belief, and we want Radiant War to not just be a Ben 10 fan fic, but an exploration to spark interest in the vast differences between people and yet the similarities between them in spite all that, That is why we created the Radiant Seven.)

"Need to hurry!  need to

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"Need to hurry!  need to.. Hurry!!"

Astrodactyl's powerful rockets erupted from his back as he soared through the clouds above the city as the moon slipped out from behind the clouds.. 

He could feel the shockwaves, the power radiating through the air from the ongoing battle  between his friends and foes that Maltruant had summoned. 

"Do you know where to look!?" Mika called out from where she was being held in Astrodactyl's arms. 

"I have a hunch." said Astrodactyl. "The one place we haven't looked yet, the one place that Maltruant wouldn't think of. The place where she first met me.."

Astrodactyl soared downwards until he came to a hover in front of a large quiet church building. The very building where he had learned about the Radiant War from Deca..

"This place.." murmured Mika as she slid to the ground and Ben returned to human form. "I remember, or.. I have the fake memories at least. Me, you and Tay would come here for Christmas.  They always had a Christmas Service I think.."

"Japan doesn't really celebrate Christmas with days off.." Ben muttered. "1 percent Christian population and all.. I remember too.  They may be fake memories, but I do sometimes think about the times Tay used to joke that that the two of us were probably the only Christians in all of Sato City."

"Do you still believe? I mean.. after all this?" Mika murmured. 

"You mean Shub Niggurath and stuff like that?" Ben muttered. "Well the word 'god' is subjective in my opinion. I've fought powerful beings who were seen as gods, and to an ant, we'd probably seem like gods. I think there's a vast difference between the lower case g and the capital G. Eldritch deities just prove that existence is vaster than we know, it doesn't prove anything beyond that."

"So you still believe there is a God." said Mika quietly.

"You never really believed in a higher power have you?" Ben said. 

"Actually, I converted 3 loops ago." Mika murmured. "Visited a church, talked to a pastor and everything."

"Huh!? Really?" Ben stammered. "Wh-why didn't you talk to me about it?!"

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