The Lady of the Golden Blade.

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( Lady of The Lake Erice and Abyss Erice are still being designed at the publishing of this chapter. We will add it to this chapter hopefully in the near future.. like maybe a day XD)


 Van Kleiss's gauntlet shredded at high speeds, stretching to near impossible lengths as its sharp needle-like claws ripped towards Erice. 

Erice's eyes flashed, her arms folded haughtily as she floated a few feet off the ground, a massive wave of water conjuring up in front of her and deflecting the gauntlet in a burst of sparks.

Van Kleiss gritted his teeth as his gauntlet retracted. 

"Honestly." Erice growled, her eyes glowing with magical light. "I don't know why that giant bucket head of an alien summoned you of all people from the past. Your power level is just pathetic. A stretchy gauntlet that shanks people? Are you sure you were from the Radiant War? More like the Underpowered yet overhyped Villain War..  you talk with authority like you're used to being the one followed and worshipped by others.. and yet your abilities far undersell it.."

"Admittedly, when not using the power I had before Rex 'cured' me I don't exactly have power to match my past muster." said Van Kleiss with a sly smirk. "But of course, my new power suits me far more in my station of the greatest of EVOs don't you think?"

"Pfft, ruler of bullshit more like." said Erice muttered. "I guess EVOs are far more common where you come from. In my world, I contained the EVO threat a single year after it began. Nanites were entirely destroyed. Consider me unimpressed.  Nanomachines that cause mutant powers in humans or turns them into monstrosities? That's child's play compared to The Age of Gods back when deities still descended on Midgard."

Van Kleiss chuckled. "Well then, that just means you never got an opportunity to see what Nanites can REALLY do."

"Trust me I have.. " said Erice. "I've lost friends to EVOs.. even my first boyfriend. So if you think I'm going to let you of all people tread on what kindness and pure love Ben has left in his soul, I'll crush you to dust first. With every.. ounce.. of.. my strength.."

Van Kleiss's eyes widened as he looked up to see  a massive humpback whale emerging from a portal.. 20 times the size of the original non-magical version, a huge horn on its head.

"Disappear.. Van Kleiss."  

The whale opened its gaping mouth, and a huge flood of ocean water that glowed with bright blue light crashed down on Van Kleiss.  


At that moment, a massive rat erupted from the ground. Its features were mutated.. its tail looked like a writhing serpent with multiple eyes, and spikes grew all over its body as its jaws split into mandibles like a spider.

The humungous mutant rat took the brunt of the blow as Van Kleiss tumbled away and leaped into the air to avoid the flood of water that smashed through the streets, landing on a nearby roof. 

"An EVO?" Erice growled.  "Wh-wha!?"

 Van Kleiss chuckled. "I told you, the abilities I have suit me well as the greatest of EVOs. Allow me to show you another demonstration."

Van Kleiss pointed a gloved finger at a nearby fluttering bird.  The gauntlet stretched out, the needle piercing the bird.

The bird grew to massive size, its wings growing to four wings, as it's body morphed into a four legged animal-like shape, now possessing four talons and a long cat-like body, its beak curving into a crude vicious serrated shape, its eyes turning large and buglike. 

Ben 10 Radiant War, Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now