The Clockwork King

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Ben opened the door to find his eyes blinded by a host of military lights pointed in his face. The entire building seemed to be surrounded by JSDF tanks and even helicopters, with soldiers pointing their guns at the entrance. 

Ben frowned at Shi-Jian and Mika, as they stepped out slowly, their hands raised. "Are we sure we're doing this?"

"I mean we're going to loop again anyways, might as well find out what's going to happen before it all loops."

"But this is the anomaly, what if they are aware of the loop and they decide not to do it this time?" Ben asked. 

"If it were THAT easy then they would've just shot us by now. Whoever this Maltruant is, I doubt he's a merciful type." said Shi-Jian. 

"What makes you say that?" Ben asked. 

"Gut feeling, and my gut feelings have a history of being trustworthy." Muttered Shi-Jian. "I know that's not much to go on.. but-."

"It's fine, not like we don't need info anyways." Ben muttered. "Get ready to slow time and activate my Omnitrix  at the slightest sign of danger though."

"Right." said Shi-Jian. 

The JSDF soldiers approached, still pointing their guns.

"Down on your knees, hands behind your backs!!"

Ben, Mika and Shi-Jian slowly did as they indicated, and the soldiers began to vigorously pat them down before locking handcuffs onto their wrists. 

"You don't want to touch that." Shi-Jian warned as some of the soldiers began pulling out his Time Pistol and looking for a latch to release his belt. "It's tuned to me, security measures will fry you to a crisp if you so much as touch the trigger."

"Oh I do believe we can handle a few accidental deaths, there are plenty in the JSDF after all, you have to give a hand to the military forces of the human race at least, as meager and weak as they are.."

Ben 10 Radiant War, Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now