I Want To Be More...

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Marinette(thinks while frowning): You know what, I give up

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Marinette(thinks while frowning): You know what, I give up. Adrien will never know how I feel...

Adrien(sees the defeated look on Marinette's face and feels bad): "Oh... I get it Marinette! 

Let's be...

*Marinette's face brightens a bit*

Super super Super super Super super Super super Super super Super super Super super Super super duper duper duper duper duper duper duper duper duper duper duper duper duper duper mega-mando times infinity best friends till we die!"

*Marinette rolls her eyes and wishes there was a knife to stab herself*

Oh My God... Clueless Adrien just standing there thinking of how to describe their unbreakable(friendship) bond while Marinette suffers in pain silently.

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